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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 2,162
Day 2,163
Year's Weather in a Day
#theme-slices-of-life Wet snow over night. Wet melting snow today. Nice and Sunny come afternoon. At twenty after seven I've g...
Day 2,164
Escaped the Room
Friend invited a bunch of people to an escape room. Sadly, I'm three hours away and the event was starting in about thirty minutes. S...
Day 2,165
Watching the Birds
Day 2,166
Stopped in town today at a restaurant. Got my ID and vaccine status checked. Also: noticed I didn't post yesterday's picture. Looks like so...
Day 2,167
Change of Design
Attempt Two at writing this I hate it when company changes up their designs. It makes find what you are looking for so much more comp...
Day 2,168
Lone Blue Jay
Crazy warm day, full of fog and must.
Day 2,169
Peek a boo
No power for most of the day. Internet is being very stubborn. Here's a low Effort Jay hiding in the pine
Day 2,170
Urban Sunset
Day 2,171
Creatures of habitat
Normally I fill the feeder around 8:30 or 9 in the morning. In a few hours it’s all but empty. Today I didn’t get to it until alm...
Day 2,172
Work Uniforms
Either Maintenance Plaid or Zombie Hotdog.
Day 2,173
Small town sunset
Like the one for earlier this week, but different.
Day 2,174
Load of Wrecks
Check out the trailer full of rotted out cars.
Day 2,175
The Final (and First) Gate
Long day of traveling to and from town. Saw a movie, got a gift, fueled up with gas. Way too many fools driving haphazardly...
Day 2,176
Why not unicorns?
Why are welding masks all flames and skulls and badassery? Why never unicorns?
Day 2,177
401 at Kerwood
Just a windmill at sunset
Day 2,178
Home for a rest
Day 2,179
The mean street of downtown Wyoming
Day 2,180
Snow Thunder
Not that you'd know if from the photo, but we are having a bit of Yule Time thunder.
Day 2,181
Festive Holiday Cheer.
Tasty, smokey festive holiday cheer at that.
Day 2,182
Happy Holidays
Day 2,183
Me and Ziggy
Just me and the mutt, watching some hockey and generally not doing anything mich at all
Day 2,184
Zone Street
Was hoping for more fog. Maybe shoulda been out earlier.
Day 2,185