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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 160/365
1 streak
Day 2,580
Hunkered Down
So. Much. Snow. No reason to go anywhere so I think I'll just stay in.
Day 2,581
Look at that snow fly!
Ritchie was out with the blower this morning. Always amazes me just how far that snow gets thrown.
Day 2,582
Eat and Go
Day 2,583
The cheque really was in the mail
As a hobby I like to do surveys. Nothing big, just answer some questions about things and get entered into a draw. A...
Day 2,584
Truth in Advertising
Day 2,585
Minus Stupid Cold
It reached -37 today. This blue jay wasn't very happy about it.
Day 2,586
Even colder
An even can colder today. Nice day to stay in store and play a game with friends. Now... I just need my friends to show up
Day 2,587
Plus One!!!
After a couple of days of -40 degree weather we hit a high of +1! This black-capped chickadee seemed to enjoy the sudden warm spell.
Day 2,588
Anger and frustration and disappointment
Ordered a new phone. Was expecting it today. Imagine my surprise when the Tracking Number showed that it was...
Day 2,589
New phone. Who this?
It arrived. It was an adventure. Freezing rain is no fun.
Day 2,590
Found out what the issue was with the plow truck. Some mice thought it'd be fun to live in the air intake.
Day 2,591
Day 2,592
Laundry Day
Day 2,593
Day 2,594
Super Bowl Sunday
Also a day for checking mail (one bill, one newsletter, one advertisement), for visiting the dump (six big bags of recycling and two...
Day 2,595
Straight Out Da Camera
Nothing fancy, just a chickadee with no edits.
Day 2,596
Blue Jay
Day 2,597
False Spring
It feels like springtime. Even my birds are kind of acting like it's Spring. But this is Canada... Winter will be here for another fourte...
Day 2,598
Play / Not Feelin' It
The faux-spring funk has hit.
Day 2,599
Another Chickadee
A bright, if not cold, day.
Day 2,600
Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2
Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2 Nothing exciting on my GBBC so far this year. Some Hairy woodpeckers, ravens, various nuthatches, chickadees, and gro...
Day 2,601
Day 2,602
Day 2,603
Another day of learning the ways of the plow