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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 1,514
Creepy Chair
Down the hall of the Oak Centre there's a chair. Just.... being there.
Day 1,610
Day 1,612
Bayb Fox Season
Second day in a row of the fox kits being out around the office. Hoping I get man-many more. I think this is the same little fellow fr...
Day 1,636
Brown-headed Cowbird
A non-invasive brood parasite, I've been enjoying the calls of these birds last couple of week.
Day 1,652
Common Grackle, uncommon crop
I don't like to crop my birds in such a way that I don't have the entire bird. But... every so often... it's good to do...
Day 1,688
Sunrise over the marsh, feature Venus and Orion.
Day 1,728
Day 1,824
Happy little birds
Back up North and my birds couldn't be happier. Spent a couple of hours this afternoon driving around looking for some suet. With i...
Day 1,857
Evening Grosbeak
Here's either a female or an immature male Evening Grosbeak, one of a half dozen or so that visited today.
Day 1,869
Snowfall for a Grosbeak
Day 1,893
Common Redpoll on an uncommon day
Wow... mid- to high-double digits today! Red-wing Blackbirds AND Redpolls making an appearance today.
Day 1,917
A Cultral Invasion of Epic Wrongness
Way back in the olden times of 1890, Eugene Schieffelin thought it'd be a swell idea to release every bird mentio...
Day 1,919
Ring-necked Ducks
Fun ducks on the marsh!
Day 1,923
Spent about twenty minutes today just sitting on the loading dock, enjoying the marsh.
Day 1,927
Maple Flowers
That time of the year I suppose... soon the allergies will be upon us
Day 1,933
Day 1,953
Goose Family
No fun story, just one of six geese families (four with chicks, two without).
Day 1,967
Poor Crop
But it does count for the #theme-blue and that's a good thing.
Day 1,977
Turtle Season
Snappers and Painteds have been out doing their thing the last few days.
Day 1,986
While I was heading out I came across this grouse (forest chicken) sitting in the middle of the road. Did my errands and who did I f...
Day 1,987
Another Day of Waiting
Spooked to foxes yesterday. Spent a couple of hours waiting. Still nothing on camera. Here's a woodpecker (Yellow-bellied Sapsu...
Day 2,000
Been waiting for the humidity to break. And it finally has.
Day 2,225
Day 2,240
American Tree Sparrow
It's been a bit warmer recently. Got out and shot some sparrows. I like this one.