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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 830
Geese on the Creek
Just a pair of geese on the creek. Hope the snow storm isn't going to be too rough on 'em. #outdoors #nature #friday #duck #lake #b...
Day 985
Didn't last the day.
Saw this this morning. By this evening it was gone. #morning #outdoors #nature #saturday #color #garden #grass #leaf #wild #flowe...
Day 986
Laundry Night
Doing laundry tonight. Out and waiting for my dryer cycle to finish. #outdoors #night #evening #landscape #sunday #light #road #dark #tr...
Day 1,069
An embarrassment and a call to action
This picture is not an embarrassment. Not in the least. I'm actually very happy with how it turned out. (Mike is...
Day 1,076
Jasper, Eater of Bird Seeds
Jasper-buddy came for a visit today. One of her favourite activities is to snack on the bird seeds. It took a bit of work...
Day 1,081
Back road.
Day 1,098
Orion in the Backyard.
Orion in the Backyard. Cold, cloudless night. Might as well got out back and do some stars.
Day 1,132
Suite Ball
Just a chickadee enjoying a suite ball.
Day 1,182
Project Feederwatch: Last Day
Project Feederwatch: Last Day Last day for me and Feederwatch for the 2019 season. Seventeen different species this time around, including a new one (...
Day 1,192
Not an Otter
Spent about half an hour this evening shooting an otter. While it was fun, I only managed one okay (not good, just okay) shot. I'll share...
Day 1,195
Chippy in the Shade
Warm(ish) day. Chipmunk chilling by the feeder.
Day 1,261
Day 1,262
Blondie Enjoying some Down Time
Foxes have been very elusive lately. Maybe too many people about? Maybe just taking a bit of a vacation? At any rate I...
Day 1,332
Portage Beach Fire Show
More training. This time some fire lighting skills at Portage Beach.
Day 1,337
Day 1,361
Sunset at the Marsh
One if my favourite spots. It's getting a bit chilly, but what little time is left in the season, I plan to get out and make some...
Day 1,374
Morning walk
#theme-tookapic-love Just a picture I snapped on my morning walk. If it wasn't for my involvement with Tookapic who knows if I would have...
Day 1,563
The feeling that time is all messed up. I know my calendar says 'April', but the weather and my own sense of the passing of time screams '...
Day 1,586
Snow In May...
... least it's not Murder Hornets.
Day 1,601
Bracken Fungus
More huntin' for critters. No finding any. Here's some fungus.
Day 1,642
Wood Duck
Whole mess of deer flies out today. Not fun... not fun at all. What was fun: Seeing this male Wood Duck
Day 1,647
Macro Play
Because, why not!
Day 1,677
...but could be ever more betterer... Kingfisher
Day 1,700
Random Flowers
On the side of the driveway are some random flowers. Here's a close-up. Dunno what they are, but I'm aiming to find out.