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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 2,758
Me and a Camper's Dog
Needed to eliminate a wasp nest today. (Un)fortunately a dog was tied-up just by where the nest was. I certainly wasn't going to...
Day 2,802
Bookends of a career
Back in Haliburton for the week (colleague is getting married tomorrow). Crashing at the ever popular Motel Minden. This is the s...
Day 2,832
Day 2,870
Sunrise on the Road Out of Town
#theme-empty-space Left a bit earlier than normal today. (Gotta love pre-test anxiety.) Stopped on the side of the roa...
Day 3,093
Home (almost) again Home agin Jiggity Jig
Up at Wanakita again for another summer. Instead of driving back to Bark Lake at the end of the day, I'm sta...
Day 96
What ya gotta do for a meal...
One of my personal favorite authors is the American sci-fi great Robert A. Heinlein. In one of his novels he offers som...
Day 182
Answering Nature's Call
Sometimes having to get up in the middle of the night to... well... you know... isn't the worse thing in the world. Especially...
Day 303
Took some time to stop at the marsh. Tried somewhere a little different (down the side of the road, on a pile of rocks). #morning #autumn #lan...
Day 351
Fine Feathered Fiend
Yes... fiend. This little... fellow... was abnormally tricky. Just didn't want his picture taken I guess. #nature #afternoon #bir...
Day 358
Not Happy.
I can do better. I will do better. Tomorrow. The contrast between the barn and the sky was a bit too much. I'll head back out tomorrow with...
Day 379
The best part of making this wasn't playing with the flash or editing the image in Lightroom. No, the best part was eating the props afterwards...
Day 389
Spent all day with my camera in hand all I could do was a long exposure while moving the camera. #friday #night #design #texture #wallpaper #jan...
Day 415
Foggy Kinda Day
Spring is in the air. And the marsh is starting to melt. #forest #trees #afternoon #landscape #wednesday #tree #weather #frozen #cold...
Day 435
Outbuilding Desaturated
Just one of those days. Cold throughout. Tied to the desk coding buildings (but not this building). Missed an appointment in t...
Day 459
7:50am  After the Dumping
Yup... we go snow. #morning #forest #trees #friday #landscape #tree #weather #crystal #frozen #cold #frost #ice #winter #sno...
Day 490
Someone New
Over the weekend I noticed a new bird at the feeder; a rose-breasted grosbeak. I'll be adding this one to my id board. (Note to self: You...
Day 497
Blackflies be damned
Was looking for something else yesterday (making a birthday card for a very deer friend). Nothing jumped out for her, but I did l...
Day 513
Little Baby Grackle Sitting in a Tree
I've been keeping an eye on that grackle nest from a couple-a-few weeks back. The yesterday I saw some new activ...
Day 564
Blanding's Turtle
Heading out for dinner and stopped by my favorite marsh. Still no heron... But I did spy a Blanding's. And I'm happy with that. #out...
Day 605
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
Some night training for the team today (star gazing and astronomy) while the kids enjoyed a campfire on the beach....
Day 642
Not what I saw
The moon was doing this crazy thing behind the clouds. I tried to capture it. Trying is important. #october #fall #outdoors #nature #sa...
Day 645
Worth the Stop
Stopped off by the creek on the way back into work. Always an enjoyable spot. #morning #october #fall #outdoors #nature #landscape #woo...
Day 703
Umm... Maybe Again
Very contrasty. I might try it again. I'm not completely happy. #thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wood #water #tre...
Day 708
#afternoon #landscape #wood #light #road #tuesday #fog #tree #track #weather #frozen #christmas #cold #frost #ice #winter #snow #december #ev...