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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 1,356
Sunset on my way to Second Beach
Day 1,369
Milky Way at Aspen Field
Tomorrow, something different. But for today, a night sky. Some post work in Lightroom, but all done as a single long exposur...
Day 1,380
Twenty Years of Giant Pumpkins
For at least twenty years this house has had always giant pumpkins in their front yard. The first time I stopped was co...
Day 1,441
Sam and Fat Jabba
The Varied Thrush (Sam) typically bosses around the squirrel when they're on the ground, but Jabba rules the pine.
Day 1,449
Oak on a Back Road at Sunset
Out this evening shooting. Didn't get anything good until I was heading back. Pulled a U-turn to grab this oak. Turned ou...
Day 1,454
Day 1,463
New Toys New Signs
The maintenance team got some new toys over the break. They spent some time putting up new signs around site. Lookin pretty slick.
Day 1,498
Late night Theme Picture.
Day 1,534
SURPRISE!!! SNOW!!! #theme-at-home The easiest part of Social Distancing is being distant from other social people.
Day 1,565
Day 19.
I have successfully integrated into my new society. This morning we had coffee while discussing the pros and cons of different mugs.
Day 1,637
Day 1,638
White Satin Moth
Simple picture today... truth be told, I'm really surprised this uploaded on my first try; it was heavily cropped.
Day 1,650
Comet Day 2: Attack of the Clouds
Comet Day 2: Attack of the Clouds Another 3am start. This time, no luck on capture NEOWISE due to clouds. Might try again tomorrow morning...
Day 1,689
7am Marsh
Another early start. Like this one more than yesterday's. Long haul tomorrow (about 8.5 hours on the road and about a 500km). I'll find some...
Day 1,699
Day 1,709
Day 1,724
Day 1,733
Forest car(?)
#theme-cars Our quad / ATV / Four-Wheeler / Bike thinks it's a car, so why not!
Day 1,750
One of Many
This photo has been taken hundreds of millions of times before. There is nothing unique or interesting or significant at all about this ph...
Day 1,776
A Dark-eyed Junco to start off the FeederWatch season!
Day 1,784
Someone has been busy...
And soon enough someone else is going to be busy too. This tree is right on the edge of the driveway, maybe ten feet or so. T...
Day 1,810
Pine Grosbeak
New visitor to the feeder today! My colleague saw two, but I was only able to catch this one. More tomorrow... maybe.
Day 1,847
Day 1,870
Could be worsf
Lots and lots of snow over the weekend. #theme-cold