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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 160/365
1 streak
Day 1,144
Renovations continue
Upgrades the the Maintenance Yard continues. New project is updates to the Wood Shop. New insulation. New siding. New adventures!
Day 1,145
My Team
Over lunch today it was noted that some of my team look very similar.
Day 1,146
Silly Human Tricks
Victoria, for some reason, thought it'd be a good idea to walk about the small dining room whilst balancing a tray on her head. Tru...
Day 1,147
Red Oak and Blue Jay
Not the best image ever, not by a long shot. But, it was nice to see my jays again.
Day 1,148
Oak Centre
Out to check the phone at the Oak Centre today. Loved roof snow drift.
Day 1,149
Another step closer (and I should really sweep soon)
Second table arrived today! I'll be spending Friday playing at Ikea Builder. Than it'll be a simp...
Day 1,150
Fresh order of Bark Lake branded Nalgenes arrived today! It's been a couple of years since we've had them in stock, but they're back. I'...
Day 1,151
Harder than I was expecting
tried some low-light photography of the glow-in-the-dark water bottle.
Day 1,152
What a Day.
Photo album from home, ticket to the Habs, got a movie, and won on not one, but TWO roll-up-the-rims today.
Day 1,153
Balsam Fir with a dusting of snow
Just what the title says.
Day 1,154
Play at Skyline
In town for some groceries and figured I'd stop at the local scenic lookout. The picture doesn't do the view justice. I'll try again.
Day 1,155
Lack of Grey
The picture on the right was with multiple inks running out. The picture on the left was with fresh ink, save for grey. Ordered a replace...
Day 1,156
Setting Sun
Just a picture of an icicle.
Day 1,157
Sometimes you plan for an amazing candid...
... and other times they land in your lap. Tonight it was the latter. Another candid photo for this year's...
Day 1,158
Been looking for my cable release for about a dozen years it feels (but really only like a month or so). Got out and played with some star t...
Day 1,159
Not what I wanted to sure today.
Tonight I was planning on doing a long exposure. Set the tripod up, got everything setup, click the remote and walked...
Day 1,160
Just Jabba sitting on the railing.
Day 1,161
Teaching the finer points of knife work
Kids are packing out for their camping trip. Tonight was all about food prep. CJ (in the black shirt) doesn't...
Day 1,162
Not how it should be used
We have a bit of a branding problem at work. Folks like to put it ON EVERYTHING. They insist on making it as big and In-Your...
Day 1,163
Out on the water
Got out of the office for some time on snowshoes.
Day 1,164
End of the ice?
Big melt coming tomorrow... Wonder if the ice'll make it.
Day 1,165
Rolling Thunder
The melt has begun. The office shuck today as the ice and snow let go off the roof. Like a dumbass, I parked my car to close to the bu...
Day 1,166
Home Away From Home
Might have taken a bit longer than normal, but I made it to Stonehenge for another Waterfowl Weekend.
Day 1,167
Blue sky
Just a quick shot of a tree and blue sky