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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 171/365
3 streak
Day 2,604
Feelin' kind of gassy
And that's a good thing, on propane delivery day.
Day 2,605
Rabbit holes and barber shops
Years and years ago, I use to get my hair cut at a barber shop in downtown Abbotsford. They had an infinity mirror setup...
Day 2,606
Water bottles
Day 2,607
Garbage, but it counts
I as 98% certain I heard a Pileated Woodpecker. This photo pushes that certainty to 100%
Day 2,608
The Big Tree
Just a painting of the Dining Hall. The large white pine to the left was called the Big Tree. Capital B, capital T.
Day 2,609
I guess headlights make sense... Maybe?
Noticed that the snowblower has headlights. I guess it's make sense if you are blowing at night or something.....
Day 2,610
New profile
Just a new profile pic.
Day 2,611
Out my backdoor
Just a low effort kind of day. Nothing wrong with that.
Day 2,612
Day 2,613
An afternoon of reading, draining hydraulic line (just one), and doing my taxes. It was actually a pretty okay day.
Day 2,614
Big Dump of Snow
Need to head out early Monday morning, before the Maintenance team gets in. Tomorrow, I'm gonna try and plow the driveway.
Day 2,615
Day 2,616
No learning here
I don't get out much. The City is just too far most times. That being said, I like it when I get to see new traffic signs. Apparently...
Day 2,617
Just a squirrel kind of day
Day 2,618
Day 2,619
Crazy hair
...but not really. ...but I really should get a hair cut. #theme-hair
Day 2,620
Bird house and woodpeckers
out looking for the woodpecker this afternoon. It was near the old bird house, bu took off before I got too close.
Day 2,621
Beardy the Evening Grosbeak
The bird on the left has some odd colouration. Almost looks like he's got a bit of a beard going on.
Day 2,622
Not a Bird
One of three raccoons who visited the feeder tonight.
Day 2,623
Snack Time
Blue Jay enjoying some suet.
Day 2,624
Day 2,625
The future
I've heard that we have fancy sci-fi car chargers in the County. Finally found 'em
Day 2,626
Random Alt-News Propaganda Sheet
Day 2,627
Melancholic reflections
Three years ago "today" (Friday at the end of March break) our last group of students left. The rain we've gotten today as sta...