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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 1,896
Mourning Dove
Day 1,907
Tree Sparrow
Too many little fast brown birds. Or greyish brown. Or speckled. Or... arug! I often take photos for ID purposes. Not because a Tree Spar...
Day 1,915
Sing Redpoll
There is a photo. I'm sure you've seen it. A Red-winged Blackbird is sitting on a bullish singing; it's breath visible. While isn't that,...
Day 1,960
Geese on Patrol
Flies are out something fierce today. Didn't spend long, but the geese did swim on by.
Day 2,016
birds of a feather
All I need now is something with green feather and I'd have the makings of a traffic light.
Day 2,042
Lazy Saturday kinda day.
Day 2,047
Day 2,124
Mist on the Marsh
Was gonna try for that moving water again today. Instead figured this was better.
Day 2,154
Blue Jay Enjoying Suet
Title pretty much says it all.
Day 2,202
Day 2,206
A sparrow in a tree... finally
So many sightings of my Tree Sparrows recently, but finally got a picture of one in a tree. Also: saw some goldfinches...
Day 2,242
Day 2,258
Another first of the year
I've had ring-winged blackbirds back for a couple of days now, but this is my first picture of the year.
Day 2,392
A day to play
My fake studio for the day (a washroom in the office) was actually kinda fun. My first set of photos was with the big camera, but didn't...
Day 2,495
American Goldfinch and Black-capped Chickadee
Day 2,510
Day 2,531
Little chickadee fun
Every so often I catch the chickadees on the grasses around the feeder. Today I got a picture of it.
Day 2,534
Pre-storm veggie run
Out of vegetables and there's a storm a brewing. Must get the celery!
Day 2,551
New Year's Eve Takeout
Day 2,565
Out of focus
Bright sunny day today and the chickadees were looking for stuff on the ground. The shadows/lights made for some interesting pictures. I...
Day 2,577
Just a bit of snow you might say
Significant snow fall over night. The drifts were up past my knee. Hat for scale.
Day 2,596
Blue Jay
Day 2,623
Snack Time
Blue Jay enjoying some suet.
Day 2,636
Evening Grosbeak
Sunny afternoon for this male grosbeak to enjoy.