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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 266/365
1 streak
Day 2,295
Common Grackle
Day 2,298
Turkey Vulture
Very surprised to find this vulture out basking behind the office. It was tricky to get a semi-focused picture (silly tree branches get...
Day 2,300
Male Hooded Merc at 200m
Another long range shot.
Day 2,315
Early (Afternoon) Bird Got the Worm
Day 2,323
Little Ones on the Move
Day 2,324
Rainy Day Grosbeak
Day 2,337
Robin in a Nest
I thought I heard a red-eyed vireo out behind the office today. No luck seeing it, but I did find a robin nest.
Day 2,338
Mother Groundhog
To be shown later (once we get a photo) a pair of baby ground hogs.
Day 2,340
The only species of turtle I don't need to make reports about, a Painted Turtle.
Day 2,355
Deer flies aren't cool
Short outting today. Deer flies are out and they are angry.
Day 2,362
Day 2,376
Afternoon Team Building and SCIENCE
We took a bit of time over the noon hour for some team building and SCIENCE. The result: Deer flies are evil, big...
Day 2,391
Day 2,484
One of Twenty
Had more than twenty Evening Grosbeaks stop by this morning! What a day!!
Day 2,498
Day 2,564
Joe, why is there a tripod in the sink?
Obviously, there's some stupid fast moving bird (prolly a Chickadee, but who knows) in the staghorn behind the...
Day 2,599
Another Chickadee
A bright, if not cold, day.
Day 2,601
Day 2,648
Day 2,670
Common Grackle
Day 2,711
Me too Squirrel , me too
I'm totally feeling the lack of drive that this Red Squirrel is showing. Think a nap might be a great idea.
Day 2,712
Not a Blue Jay
Saw a Blue Jay taking an ant bath this morning (laying on an ant hill getting cleaned). My camera, in hand, already to go... Except I w...
Day 2,714
A baby squirrel trying to figure out how walls work. Spoiler: He figured it out.
Day 2,739
The WE Road
#theme-road The WE (West East) road is part of my daily commute into work. So far I've seen both turkeys and cows on it. More wildlife to...