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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 263/365
10 streak
Day 2,882
Free Coffe AND a Holiday Card
Spent Saturday and Sunday going back and forth between playing video games and preparing for my Operating Systems practi...
Day 2,900
End of the Term
I'm done until next year! Two-and-a-bit weeks off. In the mean time I've got some holiday (and non-holiday) shopping to get done tomor...
Day 2,901
Post Exams smiles
Downloaded Starfield and had a chuckle. There are a couple-a-few Canadian food products in the game. This poutine was one... And a D...
Day 2,903
First *REAL* snow of the year
First REAL snow of the year Finally getting some snow and the timing couldn't be better, exams are done and aiI have nowhere to be until January. Had...
Day 2,911
Low effort under the weather
Day 2,559
Common Redpoll
First of 2023!!! These little ones (had three by the feeder this morning) don't typically hang out by the office, preferring the Mainte...
Day 2,560
Just a silly picture
Day 2,578
An end to a day
Did my errands. Got groceries. Washed laundry. And took some pictures. Saw a car covered with Canadian flags, an anti-Trudeau sign in...
Day 2,588
Anger and frustration and disappointment
Ordered a new phone. Was expecting it today. Imagine my surprise when the Tracking Number showed that it was...
Day 2,619
Crazy hair
...but not really. ...but I really should get a hair cut. #theme-hair
Day 2,622
Not a Bird
One of three raccoons who visited the feeder tonight.
Day 2,695
Dirtpig Pups
Saw FIVE baby Groundhogs today. Unbelievably cute.
Day 2,703
Late night nature
Twilight and there's some critters to see. Tried to grab a picture of some geese and goslings out front, but my camera was set to se...
Day 2,704
Weather, spiders, and turtles
Had a nice but of rain and thunder day. Really knocked the heat down. Saw the Spider-verse movie (enjoyable?) Report nea...
Day 2,712
Not a Blue Jay
Saw a Blue Jay taking an ant bath this morning (laying on an ant hill getting cleaned). My camera, in hand, already to go... Except I w...
Day 2,716
Stupid Tests
Need to write an online assessment exam. A Let's-Make-Sure-He-Can-Read-and-Write-English-Good kind of thing. Found time to do it this mor...
Day 2,722
Dining Room
Empty and sad. Needs people in it.
Day 2,725
Too much driving
Especially over the last two days. Eight hours today, on-top of six yesterday is entirely too much. Part of the length was due to stu...
Day 2,727
Waterfront Training
A day for learning the ins and outs of all things water. Also a day for smokey haze from the wildfires.
Day 2,728
RPS Evolution
Staff training and time for some Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Day 2,730
Day 2,736
Had an idea for today's picture. Woke up in a panic when I realized I haven't shot anything today! Here are my slippers and a messy floor.
Day 2,739
The WE Road
#theme-road The WE (West East) road is part of my daily commute into work. So far I've seen both turkeys and cows on it. More wildlife to...
Day 2,742
Sup Yoga
Morning paddle combined with morning yoga. Seems like a natural winner to me.