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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 263/365
10 streak
Day 1,922
Day 1,923
Spent about twenty minutes today just sitting on the loading dock, enjoying the marsh.
Day 1,924
Day 1,925
Boosting the Genny
Lost power this morning and the generator didn't kick in. Turns out we had to boost it. New battery has been ordered.
Day 1,926
Day 1,927
Maple Flowers
That time of the year I suppose... soon the allergies will be upon us
Day 1,928
Day 1,929
Red-winged Blackbird
I know, it's got yellow bars on it's wings... but if you look carefully you'll see some red too. The red really stands out during...
Day 1,930
Been trying to get a picture of the grackles doing their display. Finally got one today! Tomorrow... something different... maybe even a Rust...
Day 1,931
Dark-eyed Junco
Day 1,932
Dirt Pig
Or, if you prefer the more polite name, Groundhog. This young Woodchuck was out sunning itself this afternoon. Sadly, it's in for a shock......
Day 1,933
Day 1,934
An amazing day.
Sure, it started out kinda crappy (SNOW!!!!), but it ended on a couple of high notes. First: I found instant miso soup at the grocery...
Day 1,935
Hate it when the doctor is right.
Got my vaccine shot yesterday and the pharmacist said I might feel under the weather... Totally feelin' icky right n...
Day 1,936
Day 1,937
Haven't used my macro in a while. Didn't know what this insect was so I took a picture. Still don't know what it is, but I got a pic!
Day 1,938
Day 1,939
Danger Sloth
Posted a picture of this porcupine earlier today. One of my colleagues commented that it wasn't a porcupine, but a sloth (he knows after...
Day 1,940
Purple Finch
Day 1,941
Song Sparrow
Day 1,942
American Robin
Took a bunch of odd bird pictures today; Wood Ducks, Loons, Yellow-belly Sapsucker... and even a Yellow-rumped warbler (a first for thi...
Day 1,943
Field Horsetail
Day 1,944
Ground Hog
Day 1,945