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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 176/365
1 streak
Day 2,652
Day 2,653
Just a 'coon checking for tasty treats.
Day 2,654
Annual reminder of what a female Red-winged Blackbird looks like
Yet again, I got all excited about a "new" bird, only to learn that it's one that I s...
Day 2,655
Car's Back
And I'm back in Wyoming for the weekend.
Day 2,656
A rock
Just a painted rock.
Day 2,657
Day 2,658
The start of the end
Starting to move my gear back to the folks' place. A couple-a-few months and new things begins.
Day 2,659
Hooded Merc
Handheld camera with a tripod spotting scope. Oh... and a Hooded Merc out at the back end of the marsh.
Day 2,660
Purple Finch
Just a bird on a wire.
Day 2,661
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
First sapsucker of the year.
Day 2,662
Dark-eyed Junco
Little junco being all tricky to photography today.
Day 2,663
Blue Jay
Day 2,664
White-throated Sparrow
Spent about half an hour with the camera waiting for this bird to come back.
Day 2,665
Making time
I've driven past this abandoned garage hundreds of time over the years. Today I finally stopped to make a photo.
Day 2,666
Another day of "I should shoot that"
Another old building on the 121 between Kinmount and Fenlon Falls. It's surprisingly close to the one from the ot...
Day 2,667
Rarely Seen Birds.
Out checking some of my other birding spots around site. Was able to here a Yellow-rumped Warbler and (probably) a Pine Warbler. It...
Day 2,668
Broad-winged Hawk
Day 2,669
Day 2,670
Common Grackle
Day 2,671
Leucistic(?) Red-winged Blackbird
Odd colouration on this blackbird
Day 2,672
Canadian Danger Cobra
Day 2,673
Squirrel and Turkey
A surprise turkey encounter this morning. Also, another Grey Squirrel showed up.
Day 2,674
Lonely Canoe
Someone's canoe got loose. The poor boat is certainly worse for wear: The gunnels are cracked, yolk is busted, and the seats are just pla...
Day 2,675