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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 266/365
1 streak
Day 2,207
Week 3: Second Go
Been thinking about the black and white I shot earlier this week. Decided try something a bit different.
Day 2,213
Low effort ≠ No effort
Up at 5:30 this morning for a two hour drive into the city. A couple-a-few hours or so of 'Hurry Up and Wait', followed by some...
Day 2,226
Proof is in the Walking
Tomorrow I'm shooting a 'Day in the Life' series for my r/clondon52 project over on reddit. It's a pretty straight forward ass...
Day 2,234
Week 7: Edward Hopper
This week's r/clondon52 assignment is to "look over Hopper’s images and draw inspiration from subdued drama, creating an image w...
Day 2,237
Day 2,241
Day 2,245
I think... I think this is doable
Gonna setup a bit of a shoot tomorrow (if the weather allows for it). The idea is to capture the cliché bird-sitting...
Day 2,260
Spring Forward
My bio-clock is all out of wack. Stupid Time Change.
Day 2,277
Last week my colleague resigned. It wasn't unexpected; he had been looking for something closer to home. Tomorrow I have a Zoom call with the si...
Day 2,281
Not a flock of Grosbeaks
But it is certainly amazing news! The local movie theater is planning to reopen!!!
Day 2,289
Day 2,297
Haven't Killed it Yet
I know I recently posted something similar, but this time I used the macro. And I haven't managed to kill it yet!!
Day 2,299
Stupid Apple
I really don't like Apple products and the iPhone in general. My colleagues know my reasonings well and it is not something I'm going to...
Day 2,301
Lady Red-winged Blackbird and Grackle
Not implying anything happening between these two. First female RWB of the year. I had it ID'ed from memory and...
Day 2,303
Eyes Still Good
My Purple Finches showed back up (male, two females) and no signs of eye disease.
Day 2,309
Fifteen Minutes Late and Three Weeks Too Early
We're in that off in-between time when it's not Winter, but it's not Summer. As far as the local landfi...
Day 2,317
First Blanding's of the year!!!!
Day 2,320
Esso Sunset
Just what the title says; the sun setting behind the Esso
Day 2,325
Long Lens on a Small Flower
Was looking for birds, but found some Wild Columbine instead.
Day 2,339
One of Three
Most recent count on the baby Ground Hogs, THREE!
Day 2,371
More meadow fun
Lots of cell phone pictures lately. Mostly because it's easier to go out and snap something fast (news to be careful not to get too de...
Day 2,378
Atempt One
A night shot of the dining hall. About an hour after sunset or so. Things looked good up until the clouds started to roll in. Oh... and the...
Day 2,394
Waiting for Water: The Return of Ritchie
Waiting for Water: The Return of Ritchie Been on my own the last week and half or so. My maintenance cohort has been out sick. Fortunately it wasn't t...
Day 2,399
Fox Watch Continues
Not as many photos of the local foxes recently. Mostly they are staying away from the office. Today, however, I was able to get th...