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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,748
What an odd dragonfly
Day 2,752
Sometimes all you needs...
... is a whale-themes shower curtain to feel like an adult.
Day 2,761
Day 2,763
Kids' Corner Canoeing
Day 2,767
Face Paint
What not!
Day 2,782
One headlight
Passed sooooo many cars today with only one headlight, even a colleague needed to replace her bulb. Get home and what do I see? I too on...
Day 2,793
Toilet Humour
The building to the left is an outhouse. The truck deals with biological waste and explosives... Hehehe
Day 2,814
Why yes, my college does have an indoor climbing wall
Day 2,826
Two hours between lectures today. I've eaten, and now have the better part of 90 minutes. At least the weather is nice.
Day 2,827
Just sitting outside enjoying some shade on a particularly hot October days.
Day 2,831
Why not
Z p
Day 2,843
Day 2,854
An overdue update
Survived midterms. All my marks are in save one, and I'm not worried about databases. This week I'm feeling... Fuzzy-in-the-Head......
Day 2,833
Day 2,859
Surprise Library Day
I'm getting behind in work. Need less distractions. Off to the library it is!
Day 2,862
A constant reminder, a constant struggle.
Day 2,865
Day 2,873
Day 2,875
Just your everyday radiation sign on campus.
Day 2,878
Snow Tires and Cloth 'Shopping'
Visited the storage locker today. Swapped my summer tires for my snows (just in time too I think) and did some 'shoppi...
Day 2,879
Fires Burning
The fireplace is lit and I've got nowhere to be for a little bit. Might as well enjoy be it l.
Day 2,884
One of those days
Last day of Databases this morning. Nick has been a fun instructor and I hope to have 'em again in the future. Anyhow, I think it's...
Day 2,895
Too dman early
Gotta right my Networking exam tomorrow... at 8am. Because of the time, and distance, and a general sense of dread and/or paranoia, I'm...
Day 2,904
Cooper's Hawk
Broke out the big camera and the big lens for a (not really) big bird. This Cooper's hung out on the back fence long enough for me to: a...