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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,975
Day 2,976
Day 2,977
Day 2,981
Butterfly? Check!
Butterfly? Check!
Day 2,983
Day 2,984
Blurry, but kinda neat
Driving into the library and just wanted to play for a moment.
Day 2,988
Day 2,989
Sunset in Petrolia
Day 2,990
Birthday treats are coming!
Day 2,992
Peeking out a window
Day 3,027
Day 3,034
Day 3,035
Day 3,050
Silly accomplishment
Today I finished a pad of paper. Normally I loose 'em before getting this far.
Day 3,052
Day 3,057
Day 3,058
Day 3,059
Sometimes random sandwich boards make good arguments.
Day 3,060
Some sort of Hose Chestnut or Buckeye
Day 3,061
Day 3,075
Day 3,076
Loon tie
Day 3,077
Back of a washboard mirror.
Day 3,080
Panoramic of Panoramics