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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 178/365
2 streak
Day 2,676
Cosmic Gunfight at the Cinema
Opening day of the Highlands Cinema! Caught the latest Guardians of the Galaxy movie (mid-credit and after-credit scenes...
Day 2,677
Red Trillium
Out looking for an elusive bird (Ruby-crowned Kinglet). Heard it... couldn't see it. I did see, however, a whole boat load of Red Trilliu...
Day 2,678
Birds on a branch
An American Goldfinch and a Purple Finch hanging out on a branch.
Day 2,679
Day 2,680
FOY: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Crappy cellphone image, but so excited to have these birds back.
Day 2,681
Bird on a Wire
A better picture of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
Day 2,682
Purple Finch / White Pine
Day 2,683
White Trillium
Day 2,684
Day 2,685
Groundhog on a Chair
Day 2,686
A bit late
Just put out the hummingbird feeder this morning.
Day 2,687
First picture of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird. It was a bit overcast, and the little bird was a bit uncoperative.
Day 2,688
A hunt for a Woodcock
My colleague said he saw a Woodcock our and about this morning. I went down in the afternoon to see if I could see it. I could n...
Day 2,689
Day 2,690
Funny, because it's true!
This is a Toronto Maple Leafs fan waiting for their team to win the cup!
Day 2,691
One month
Got a month to pack up my gear.
Day 2,692
Random Grave Yard Flowers
On my way to the dump when I spotted some odd pink flowers. Quick pic and look up later, I'm fairly certain I found some fer...
Day 2,693
Sing along song
Quick picture of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak singing.
Day 2,694
End of a day
Twelve hours later I'm back on-site. It's cold, and buggy, and I want to sleep.
Day 2,695
Dirtpig Pups
Saw FIVE baby Groundhogs today. Unbelievably cute.
Day 2,696
Day 2,697
First of the Year
Been a slow spring, but finally managed to find a Blanding's Turtle!
Day 2,698
More boxes
One room cleared. Three boxes of stuff to give away / sell. Two rooms to go.
Day 2,699
I work limited hours. Very limited hours. Ridiculously limited hours. Hours that are so limited that if I work in addition to those hours HR...