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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 266/365
1 streak
Day 2,055
Grackles, Young and Old
a pair of grackles.
Day 2,059
Hurry up and wait
Spent a couple of hours just waiting today. Really boring.
Day 2,073
Heron on the Creek
I seem to get this picture around this time every year or so. I don't always post it, but none-the-less, take it all the same. Ther...
Day 2,074
Wedding Video
I don't like making videos. It feels like I'm coming shallow and fake. None the less, I made an awkward congratulatory video for a coupl...
Day 2,079
Double-creasted Cormorant
And with this, I'm tied with last year's total bird count for my little patch of the world; 52 unique species.
Day 2,093
Back to 'Normal'
No more Lake adventures. Just a dull day at work.
Day 2,108
What an odd coincidence after an odd confersation
This morning my boss wished me a Happy Thanksgiving. Nothing too unusual about that, he's a pretty s...
Day 2,118
Pre-Double Feature Picture
In Peterborough for a double feature (Dune and James Bond). But first, a nature mural, with the Jade Palace (aka: the Minis...
Day 2,125
Why'd the (forest) chicken cross the road?
Probably because it wanted to frustrate me over the lack of Right Gear. The grouse (forest chicken) is in t...
Day 2,134
Did you really just say that / No, it is not 4:30
Some folks just say the darndest things. Things that no mere words can describe how utterly ridiculo...
Day 2,140
Feederwatch Day One
What an oddly coloured Robin.
Day 2,152
Spring Day in November
Foggy all day. It felt... wrong. Green grass coming out of a late season snowfall. Goldfinches chilling in a tree. And a heavy...
Day 2,153
I really hate when plans get changed. Tomorrow I was suppose to be on-site to facilitate the selling of a truck and plow. Communication...
Day 2,165
Watching the Birds
Day 2,168
Lone Blue Jay
Crazy warm day, full of fog and must.
Day 2,214
Week 4: Commitment
Week 4: Commitment Fourth week of the r/clondon52 Challenge! Okay, to start off with, I really struggle with open-ended assignments where you are give...
Day 2,219
The Continueing Adventures of a mug
Still not fascinating.
Day 2,247
Cell Phone Cheat
Lot in my mind and a stupid early start tomorrow. Almost forgot my picture for the day
Day 2,268
The Other Lodge
Last week I posted about a messing beaver lodge (still haven't found it yet). This is the lodge on the marsh. I've looked for pictures...
Day 2,273
The Foot
Week 12's assignment was another Open To Interpretation one; Beaming. Long exposure at the foot of the driveway, combined with some random ca...
Day 2,279
Day 2,288
Day 2,290
More Ducks
Day 2,293
Ring-necked Ducks
Two or twenty or so from today. They were taking shelter in the newly ice-free Canoe Bay