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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,908
Maybe not/never
Day 2,582
Eat and Go
Day 2,590
Found out what the issue was with the plow truck. Some mice thought it'd be fun to live in the air intake.
Day 2,611
Out my backdoor
Just a low effort kind of day. Nothing wrong with that.
Day 2,614
Big Dump of Snow
Need to head out early Monday morning, before the Maintenance team gets in. Tomorrow, I'm gonna try and plow the driveway.
Day 2,635
Red-winged Blackbird
Crappy weather, this bird is not having any of it. #theme-springtime
Day 2,636
Evening Grosbeak
Sunny afternoon for this male grosbeak to enjoy.
Day 2,638
Common Grackle
Spring must be near, the grackles are starting to show up. Also: One year away from 3,000 pictures.
Day 2,654
Annual reminder of what a female Red-winged Blackbird looks like
Yet again, I got all excited about a "new" bird, only to learn that it's one that I s...
Day 2,674
Lonely Canoe
Someone's canoe got loose. The poor boat is certainly worse for wear: The gunnels are cracked, yolk is busted, and the seats are just pla...
Day 2,686
A bit late
Just put out the hummingbird feeder this morning.
Day 2,696
Day 2,698
More boxes
One room cleared. Three boxes of stuff to give away / sell. Two rooms to go.
Day 2,700
Running late, but still stopped to take this. Soon (tomorrow?) I should try again and compose the image better.
Day 2,711
Me too Squirrel , me too
I'm totally feeling the lack of drive that this Red Squirrel is showing. Think a nap might be a great idea.
Day 2,714
A baby squirrel trying to figure out how walls work. Spoiler: He figured it out.
Day 2,715
Red Oak
Day 2,721
Day 2,724
Everything, but the kitchen sink
Storage unit loaded with boxes and tables and tires and stuff.
Day 2,729
An unfortunate first
In Kinmount to catch a movie (the new Transformers) when the theater lost power. First time in fifteen or so years this has happe...
Day 2,743
Still in a total fire ban for the area (whole Province I think), but this afternoon's downpour will certainly help with that! The thunder isn...
Day 2,757
Road office
Day 2,771
New 'School' laptop
Sure I probably could have gone with something less flashy, but way not get a machine that I can also play some games on.
Day 2,778
Bad hair day
It's time for season molting for the Blue Jays