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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 3,079
Dragon Art
Day 3,078
eye glasses on eye straining device
Day 3,087
Fancy ceiling
Just outside the on-campus restaurant. One day I might even go in for a meal or something.
Day 3,082
New bathroom art
Day 3,094
Oh deer
Day 3,100
Morning paddle
Day 3,105
Schedule for Posting
Every day we right the activities on a white board that is next to a printed posted schedule. If we don't, the whole world falls...
Day 3,126
Bows on a Rack
Day 3,138
I'm an Uber
Staff social tonight. Some folks went to see a movie, while others went into town. Unfortunately, our driver (who totally deserved a night...
Day 3,140
Day 3,164
Rock Fox
Day 3,166
Something from a very long time ago
Day 2,967
Day 2,947
Day 2,970
Day 2,972
Day 2,974
After the Reading Break
Been away from campus for a week for Reading Break. Back on site today and look what's still hanging around in the stairwell o...
Day 2,979
Sunset on the way home
Treated myself today with a new pair of slippers and watching Dune Part 2. On the way back I pulled over to grab a quick pictur...
Day 2,980
Geese, court yards, and dots
I'm all studied out today... and I don't have glass for another three hours. Found a spot in the newly opened Innovation...
Day 2,987
Pi day is coming....
Day 2,991
This is 'clearly'?
In one of my useless courses we learned about money. In short, money is like a cow, but doesn't die and can fit in your pocket. Als...
Day 2,993
Day 2,995
Day 2,996
Another Canadian Spring
Spring has sprung, but winter is still making a go at it. This pass winter has been one of the warmest on records, but last co...