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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 256/365
3 streak
Day 1,240
Not a very flatering image...
... it'll probably make an appearance this holiday season.
Day 1,241
Day 1,242
Murder Most Foul
Murder Mystery night.
Day 1,243
Just that kind of day.
Day 1,244
Creepy Elf
Waiting in line at the movies and this creepy Elf kept looking at me.
Day 1,245
Day 1,246
I've walked this route thousands of times and never quite noticed this shot before. Ya... I've taken plenty that are similar, but not this.
Day 1,247
Roaring Twenties
History Credit program has their Roaring Twenties Speak Easy tonight. Tomorrow brings the Dirty Thirties
Day 1,248
Sportsball with My New Crew.
Game Three of the NBA finals. While I normally don't watch basketball, our students from the History Credit were really e...
Day 1,249
Forest Puppy
Finally captured an image of one of the offices fox kits! #fox #redfox #forestpuppy More to come...?
Day 1,250
Another snap of the local fox. Saw three kits this morning, but only this fella stuck around for a snapshot. More tomorrow, I'm hoping. I have a...
Day 1,251
Better and Better
My mood, at least, is getting better and better. I don't want to say that my new forest puppy friends have anything to do with that,...
Day 1,252
almost didn't happen
Woke up this morning with my left eye swollen shut. Giant allergy-induced swelling. I hate seasonal allergies. At least they hit...
Day 1,253
Rainy Day Keeps the Foxes Away
And #NBA Game 5 kept me away until the last minute.
Day 1,254
Pink Lady Slipper at Second Beach
Second day without my foxes... put my orchids are out.
Day 1,255
So. Many. Mosquitoes.
No time, sadly, for foxes today. Did have time for my doctor recommended daily physical activity. The best $50.00 I've spent in...
Day 1,256
World Champ!
World Champ! #wethenorth
Day 1,257
Not the most impressive of plants, but this is one that I always look forward to seeing each spring.
Day 1,258
Sometimes You Shoot for the Oddest of Reasons
Like needing to know what buttons you have on the cash register. Also: too damn buggy out for any real p...
Day 1,259
New in the Tuck Shop
Promo/social media picture of our new journals
Day 1,260
Day 1,261
Day 1,262
Blondie Enjoying some Down Time
Foxes have been very elusive lately. Maybe too many people about? Maybe just taking a bit of a vacation? At any rate I...
Day 1,263
Magic bean juice for late night silliness
Boring? Better believe it. But in four or five hours, I'll have some too funny.