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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 267/365
1 streak
Day 2,395
Offloading adventures
Things I never learned: how to offload an hydraulic lift from a big truck. Fortunately we figured it out. 1) Push it over 2) dum...
Day 2,398
I love running into random folks who are as excited as I am for Nature Moments. Today one of the folks working at the pharmacy brought th...
Day 2,401
Table for one
Day 2,411
Nope, not crooked
Hung a small picture today. It might look like it's askew, but it's not. It's merely the fact that moose are much heavier than bears...
Day 2,428
Camper Wisdom
Starting my on-call / supply work tomorrow. Should be interesting / exciting / anxiety-inducing. In the meantime, I'm getting settled in...
Day 2,451
Day 2,515
Sicky McSickface
Got my shots yesterday. I'm down for the count. All day just feeling icky.
Day 2,522
Mr. Fix It
Spent the afternoon pressing buttons while my colleague tried to fix the plow.
Day 2,533
No one to play with
The chickadees weren't interested in eating from my hand this afternoon. Kinda a bummer... But at least it warmed up some!
Day 2,536
Morning after
Wet heavy snow finally arrived. This made for a loooong drive back to visit the folks.
Day 2,538
Ziggy Dog
Low light with a needy Ziggy.
Day 2,546
The Bird Book
Years ago friend's of the family introduced us to the idea of a bird book. Not just a book full of birds, but a book that you would actu...
Day 2,580
Hunkered Down
So. Much. Snow. No reason to go anywhere so I think I'll just stay in.
Day 2,592
Laundry Day
Day 2,600
Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2
Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2 Nothing exciting on my GBBC so far this year. Some Hairy woodpeckers, ravens, various nuthatches, chickadees, and gro...
Day 2,611
Out my backdoor
Just a low effort kind of day. Nothing wrong with that.
Day 2,615
Day 2,624
Day 2,656
A rock
Just a painted rock.
Day 2,664
White-throated Sparrow
Spent about half an hour with the camera waiting for this bird to come back.
Day 2,669
Day 2,685
Groundhog on a Chair
Day 2,692
Random Grave Yard Flowers
On my way to the dump when I spotted some odd pink flowers. Quick pic and look up later, I'm fairly certain I found some fer...
Day 2,701
Day Late
Should have taken the picture yesterday. Sadly, this trillium is done for the year.