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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,780
Did you try turning (the building) off and on again?
Solving IT challenges today. Two laptops, a cellphone for a hot spot, and one trip to the breaker...
Day 2,783
Childhood game
Day 2,786
Day 2,790
Day 2,791
Day 2,803
Sure, why not.
One last Bark Lake get together. Watched Liv and Connor tie the knot, hung out with my team, and did a lot of driving.
Day 2,810
Mission a marginal success
I need a way to tell my bag and equipment from everyone else's bag and equipment. The cables are easy to do. I'm gonna put...
Day 2,819
The loooong day
On campus for 8:30am. Heading out from campus at 8:30pm.
Day 2,821
Make it so
Day 2,823
Day 2,830
Reading Couple-of-Days
Not a Reading Week, just Thursday and Friday (and Thanksgiving Monday too I suppose). Instead of heading over to the Petrolia l...
Day 2,855
Trick or treat
Day 2,867
Out in Petrolia today and I saw a tractor.
Day 2,869
Day 2,872
Day 2,876
Day 2,885
Updated my BIOS this morning... And I'm afraid. Did everything go right? Will my machine start back up? Did I just make a $2,000 brick? Oh... It'...
Day 2,892
At least you'll have a book
Sage words from the local library.
Day 2,897
Another project
Dad has been plugging away at some woodworking projects. Here's a new birdhouse for 2024.
Day 2,902
A shower curtain
Day 2,906
Day 2,915
What a jjourney
Got a holiday card today! Took a month to get here from away, and what an adventure it must have been.
Day 2,564
Joe, why is there a tripod in the sink?
Obviously, there's some stupid fast moving bird (prolly a Chickadee, but who knows) in the staghorn behind the...
Day 2,577
Just a bit of snow you might say
Significant snow fall over night. The drifts were up past my knee. Hat for scale.