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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,999
Day 3,001
Too old... By a long shot.
Day 3,026
Term's End
80 on my Security Fundamentals final. Free coffee at the start of next term. And two weeks of no classes
Day 3,028
Day 3,029
Round Three
Sent the morning prepping for my next term at school. Five subjects (Linux, Networking, Helpdesk, Edge Security, and... FILM STUDIES!) on...
Day 3,030
Day 3,031
Day 3,032
Check engine light...
Is now being checked.
Day 3,033
Night at the movies
Day 3,084
Day 3,085
Backyard... Again
Day 3,088
One of those days I guess
Day 3,091
All ready for an interview.
Day 3,092
Not sure how I feel about this...
Day 3,096
The Team, 2024
Day 3,098
Today's Office
Three shifts on the crash Boat.
Day 3,097
Turkey feather
Day 3,103
Chalk art post-Beach Day
Day 3,106
Foot up
Day 3,108
Post Hurricane Post Downpour
It rained last night. Alot.
Day 3,109
Shoes on the Rocks
A new summer time drink?
Day 3,112
Day 3,116
Borrowed a Camera
On the beach today and my colleague lent me her NikonD5000. It's always fun to shoot with different equipment!
Day 3,125