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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 184/365
2 streak
Day 2,724
Everything, but the kitchen sink
Storage unit loaded with boxes and tables and tires and stuff.
Day 2,725
Too much driving
Especially over the last two days. Eight hours today, on-top of six yesterday is entirely too much. Part of the length was due to stu...
Day 2,726
Evening Program
Time for some evening fun... Like tie dye in a thunderstorm!
Day 2,727
Waterfront Training
A day for learning the ins and outs of all things water. Also a day for smokey haze from the wildfires.
Day 2,728
RPS Evolution
Staff training and time for some Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Day 2,729
An unfortunate first
In Kinmount to catch a movie (the new Transformers) when the theater lost power. First time in fifteen or so years this has happe...
Day 2,730
Day 2,731
A visit to the MNR Dam to check for a blockage. No blockage but we did find an abandoned boat.
Day 2,732
Dining Halls + Summer Camp + Cheers = MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF EAR SPLITTING NOISE. And joy too.
Day 2,733
Less than a day until the campers arrive.
Day 2,734
Opening Campfire
They're here!
Day 2,735
Cows, we've got cows here!
Since training started a week-and-forever ago I've been hearing rumors of a fugitive cow on the property. This morning I fi...
Day 2,736
Had an idea for today's picture. Woke up in a panic when I realized I haven't shot anything today! Here are my slippers and a messy floor.
Day 2,737
Brim Hats 4 Life
One of my team wanted a matching hat. One trip into town later and she's all set. Only one question remains: which one is which?
Day 2,738
Mostly empty
Day 2,739
The WE Road
#theme-road The WE (West East) road is part of my daily commute into work. So far I've seen both turkeys and cows on it. More wildlife to...
Day 2,740
Raisin' the roof
Time to put up the other outdoor dining tent.
Day 2,741
Opening Campfire: Week 2
Another Sunday Opening Campfire. Still under a total fire ban, but we don't care, we're still going to have a great time!!
Day 2,742
Sup Yoga
Morning paddle combined with morning yoga. Seems like a natural winner to me.
Day 2,743
Still in a total fire ban for the area (whole Province I think), but this afternoon's downpour will certainly help with that! The thunder isn...
Day 2,744
Hippy Training
Or tie dye. Either way, fun was had by all.
Day 2,745
A picture 15 years in the making
The attic of the oak Centre. Never seen this before. Hope to never have to see it again.
Day 2,746
Making of a selfie
Day 2,747
Another week in the books. Also, Saddie the Cow is still hanging out at Fam Camp. All-in-all, not too bad of a day.