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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,579
Beep, beep, beep...
Was going to sleep in this morning. The smoke detector outside the apartment had a different idea. Today's goals:. Make some chili...
Day 2,589
New phone. Who this?
It arrived. It was an adventure. Freezing rain is no fun.
Day 2,591
Day 2,610
New profile
Just a new profile pic.
Day 2,616
No learning here
I don't get out much. The City is just too far most times. That being said, I like it when I get to see new traffic signs. Apparently...
Day 2,617
Just a squirrel kind of day
Day 2,621
Beardy the Evening Grosbeak
The bird on the left has some odd colouration. Almost looks like he's got a bit of a beard going on.
Day 2,633
Something strange.
Either those are some Auroras, or there's something strange happening over Koshlong.
Day 2,651
Update: Heard back from the mechanic this morning. Ball-joints, front-end suspension, and struts all shot. Oh, and I have an leaky exhaust. Da...
Day 2,658
The start of the end
Starting to move my gear back to the folks' place. A couple-a-few months and new things begins.
Day 2,666
Another day of "I should shoot that"
Another old building on the 121 between Kinmount and Fenlon Falls. It's surprisingly close to the one from the ot...
Day 2,668
Broad-winged Hawk
Day 2,677
Red Trillium
Out looking for an elusive bird (Ruby-crowned Kinglet). Heard it... couldn't see it. I did see, however, a whole boat load of Red Trilliu...
Day 2,684
Day 2,685
Groundhog on a Chair
Day 2,691
One month
Got a month to pack up my gear.
Day 2,692
Random Grave Yard Flowers
On my way to the dump when I spotted some odd pink flowers. Quick pic and look up later, I'm fairly certain I found some fer...
Day 2,693
Sing along song
Quick picture of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak singing.
Day 2,697
First of the Year
Been a slow spring, but finally managed to find a Blanding's Turtle!
Day 2,707
Table repair
Here's a fun trip: Don't over load the edge of a table, it might break.
Day 2,709
Another car issue to resolve. Stupid window doest want to go up.
Day 2,718
Whatever the opposite of serendipity is
Planned on shooting some Marsh irisis on my way to the movies. Even had my macro lens all ready to go. This mo...
Day 2,719
Blue flag iris
No moose today, so I was able to grab my iris picture!
Day 2,723
Ebony Jewelwing
Not the photo I thought I'd post, but I'm actually pleasantly surprised with how the details came out after edits.