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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 134/365
3 streak
Day 1,650
Comet Day 2: Attack of the Clouds
Comet Day 2: Attack of the Clouds Another 3am start. This time, no luck on capture NEOWISE due to clouds. Might try again tomorrow morning...
Day 1,675
Lack of interference
Without the hordes of kids, the vines have had a chance to grow... looking nice.
Day 1,743
Thanksgiving Chickadee
Got out the fancy feeder today and sure enough the birds showed up! #theme-fall
Day 1,463
New Toys New Signs
The maintenance team got some new toys over the break. They spent some time putting up new signs around site. Lookin pretty slick.
Day 1,490
Tree Sparrow
What a day. Still have so much to do, but I did find time for me today. Made a point of sitting out by the feeders, just watching and sho...
Day 1,627
American Robin and some Fuzzball
This picture of an American Robin was photobombed by one of the fox pups... ... Okay, not really, but it was kinda co...
Day 1,638
White Satin Moth
Simple picture today... truth be told, I'm really surprised this uploaded on my first try; it was heavily cropped.
Day 1,690
Less than zero
That's the amount of effort I'm putting in today. 10 hours on the road (damned construction), too many people, and too many too early m...
Day 1,750
One of Many
This photo has been taken hundreds of millions of times before. There is nothing unique or interesting or significant at all about this ph...
Day 1,776
A Dark-eyed Junco to start off the FeederWatch season!
Day 1,819
Northern Cardinal
Just a pretty bird sitting on a white oak.
Day 1,530
New Tool
Word came down from head office today. Covid-19 screenings are to begin for all visitors to the property. Here is a moody and edgy picture of...
Day 1,606
Just one of those days. Tired, unfocused, and willing to put in the effort to do much of anything... Well, that's not completely true: made some...
Day 1,617
Not a very comfortable bed
Something I've noticed with the fox pups; they like to sleep on the gravel come late evening. The couple-a-few nights I've...
Day 1,618
End Date... maybe
A little while back I posted a very similar image to this. It's part of a COVID-19 project I'm working on (a selfie each day after w...
Day 1,673
We had some weather yesterday. A twister touched down in Kinmount, no reports of any injuries. Halfway between here and Kinmount is an old, ab...
Day 1,683
Angeline and Orchard Park
A couple of months back I found an older corrugated plastic Smiley Heart. Sadly the marker has faded away (probably been up...
Day 1,722
I had a visitor today. One if my colleagues stopped by to use the printer and we got to chatting. I mentioned how sad I was at having lost th...
Day 1,744
Fall Time Jay
Same tree, in fact virtually the same spot, as yesterday. Today, however, a different bird.
Day 1,466
A random picture of a apple core.
Ever have a day where you just had a need to take a picture of an apple core? I mean, you woke up in the morning and...
Day 1,470
Training Too
Doing better today... not much... but better. Still frustrated with work and kinda wish I was able to just take off. Winning the lotto wo...
Day 1,484
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
I don't do many concerts. But this is one I'm excited for. I wasn't able to get tickets to their Washington DC show back 2018, now......
Day 1,486
Another Old House
An abandoned house along Monck Rd (between Orillia and Norwood). I like this old buildings. They've got character and stories. Who l...
Day 1,501
Late Day Sparrow
Got out at the last minute to take a quick picture of one of the Tree Sparrows. Played with some saturation levels and whatnot. Kinda...