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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 120/365
29 streak
Day 2,920
Back at it!
Semester Two, Fight!!
Day 2,558
Thinking about dinner
Black-capped Chickadee deciding if it'll visit the hopper for sunflower seeds or the cage for some suet
Day 2,834
"Park near here"
Was talking with a colleague from work. Here's a copy of what I said... Schools going. Had a quiz today and managed to tie for the hi...
Day 2,848
Sometimes tech guys need tech support.
Day 2,556
The Rat Nest
Day 2,659
Hooded Merc
Handheld camera with a tripod spotting scope. Oh... and a Hooded Merc out at the back end of the marsh.
Day 2,687
First picture of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird. It was a bit overcast, and the little bird was a bit uncoperative.
Day 2,846
Lunch and learn
Day 2,699
I work limited hours. Very limited hours. Ridiculously limited hours. Hours that are so limited that if I work in addition to those hours HR...
Day 2,753
The End of an Era
Today, about an hour and a half ago to be specific, I put in my notice to quit. This fall I'm going to be heading to Fanshawe Colleg...
Day 2,758
Me and a Camper's Dog
Needed to eliminate a wasp nest today. (Un)fortunately a dog was tied-up just by where the nest was. I certainly wasn't going to...
Day 2,801
The 'Light' day...
No scheduled classes today. I thought that it'd be a good opportunity to get start on two of my asynchronous online classes. Three...
Day 2,809
Whelp, I survived. It wasn't even all that scary. Sure, at times the halls and public places can get a little on the crowded side, I'm still trying to...
Day 2,836
Outskirts of Town
Day 2,842
Mid Terms Finished, now on with the grind
Finished my last mid-term this morning (Database Fundamentals). Feeling fairly confident in 4/5 of the tests...
Day 2,853
Day 2,864
Picking a movie
Day 2,871
Approved by The Fantastic Jurassic Joe
Day 2,881
Day 2,688
A hunt for a Woodcock
My colleague said he saw a Woodcock our and about this morning. I went down in the afternoon to see if I could see it. I could n...
Day 2,735
Cows, we've got cows here!
Since training started a week-and-forever ago I've been hearing rumors of a fugitive cow on the property. This morning I fi...
Day 2,762
Day 2,795
Loaded Up.
Almost fully packed. Just need to dump my bedding, clothes, and toothbrush and I'll be all set. Finish up at YMCA Wanakita mid-afternoon an...
Day 2,805