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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 123/365
32 streak
Day 1,461
More art
I remeber making this. The big blue thing at the bottom is an inflatable whale. My younger brother and sister are the red amd yellow people s...
Day 1,462
Hiary Woodpecker
Late day picture of the hairy at the suite feeder.
Day 1,463
New Toys New Signs
The maintenance team got some new toys over the break. They spent some time putting up new signs around site. Lookin pretty slick.
Day 1,464
Day 1,465
Day 1,466
A random picture of a apple core.
Ever have a day where you just had a need to take a picture of an apple core? I mean, you woke up in the morning and...
Day 1,467
Picture of the new sign to Housekeeping. Lookin good.
Day 1,468
Day 1,469
Don't Interrupt Me
Not what I would call the name of this photo (no, I'd call this "Serious Skiing Face"). The title "Don't Interrupt Me" refers to ho...
Day 1,470
Training Too
Doing better today... not much... but better. Still frustrated with work and kinda wish I was able to just take off. Winning the lotto wo...
Day 1,471
Day 1,472
Kinda Random
New poster holder thingy at work. Check out all them posters and things.
Day 1,473
After action report
Post-Opening Day for the new Tuck Shop. Sure, we've had a couple of soft launches back in 2019, but this was our first for-realisy...
Day 1,474
Project WET
Day 1,475
Whatta mess of a day. What was suppose to be a day off turned into an on-and-off campaign of background support. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy t...
Day 1,476
Day 1,477
Day 1,478
Had a meeting in North York today and was greeted by Scout the Office Dog!
Day 1,479
Just a picture of my less-clutered desk.
Day 1,480
Why yes, that's a roll of toilet paper.
For no other reason than I've never taken a picture of a roll of toilet paper before.
Day 1,481
Friday night curling was a slugfest. In the 8th end, we ended up tying. While not the win we would have liked, it certainly was a good game.
Day 1,482
Say my name
Found a new channel the other day. All it plays is music videos from the 80's and 90's. Makes for some nice background noise.
Day 1,483
Happy Day with Sam Around
Spent a couple of hours trying to get a picture of the thrush charging at the blue jays. No luck. Maybe next time.
Day 1,484
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
I don't do many concerts. But this is one I'm excited for. I wasn't able to get tickets to their Washington DC show back 2018, now......