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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 612
A window in the church.
Joep wanted to look inside the church. A windows appeared. This is an HDR photo, which brings back the details in the highligh...
Day 613
Potty training
Kees is trying his best on the potty. #portrait #morning #sunday #people #baby #happiness #child #childhood #september #innocence #mino...
Day 615
Nieuwesluis, it's getting a bit colder
When the air is a bit colder and the water still warm, this mist tends to show. I love it. I know this is not t...
Day 617
To the hairdresser
This is me being cut. So who made the image? My neighbour. I like the composition, thanks! #thursday #night #black-and-white #peopl...
Day 620
Groceries with the SUP
Joep (left), Kees and me went to the village by SUP-board (Stand Up Paddling). It was a wonderful trip and the groceries (crois...
Day 623
It's out!
Joep is very happy, his tooth is out! One major issue, he swallowed it, so he can't get a coin from the tooth fairy. #portrait #evening #toy...
Day 624
Book time
Joep (left) and Max (6 months now) like reading a book. Well Max just like touches and voices. This is my wife Lucie reading them. #thursday...
Day 625
School performance
Joep (black cap) had a performance yesterday; a song and dance on stage. As a parent these performances are nice to attend. It's a...
Day 626
Ronald shows his guitar
Joep mentioned a few times he'd like to learn to play guitar. We visited friends today to see their new baby and got the oppor...
Day 627
On the water with my parents
My parents invited us for a boat-trip on Loosdrecht. The weather was "nice", but not "super-nice". It was an enjoyable tr...
Day 630
He's growing
Although he's only 6 months and a bit, he's getting bigger now. Max is much more active than before, starting to crawl and paying good at...
Day 631
Okay, a little different than normal, but I passed this from one work-location to another and was impressed. Would be nice to be the truck...
Day 632
Last opportunity to swim outside?
It's nearly October and you can still swim outside, that's quite special! We're in Friesland again, and it's wonderf...
Day 634
This is the wall at my parents toilet. In the middle are my grand-parents. they have died a few years ago at age 95 and 99. They hav...
Day 635
Grandmother and Max
This is grandmother Maaike (my mother in law) giving Max some water. I love the fingers, old and young! #indoors #evening #black-a...
Day 636
(nearly) all the family
The mornings can be very busy, this reflects that a bit; everybody is awake, some children need clothing, they're all running,...
Day 637
God it was early again.
So; Joep (6 years old) woke up somewhere at night, complaining that a mosquito was in his bedroom, so he joined my wife and I...
Day 641
"Others may not see me naked."
So; Joep started swimming lessons (a-diploma) about a year ago and is now training for his c-diploma. Within one year,...
Day 640
World Wide Photo Walk 2016
I joined a WWPW in Utrecht. It's so nice to dedicate time for photography! The group was +- 15 photographers and I really h...
Day 644
Found a frog
This is Joep (6) holding a frog he found. The shoes are Kees' (2). Although I don't like my children bothering animals, this is quite a c...
Day 645
Learning to write
Joep (6) is learning to write, and he's doing really well! Make me a proud parent. This exercise book starts with lines, 90 degree c...
Day 646
Waiting for Poffertjes
Poffertjes (1 inch pancakes) are in town! For all Dutch people on tookapic: Come to Breukelen, eat the best poffertjes or wafel...
Day 647
Hanging on me
This is Max, 7 months old now. He's hanging in this baby-hang-thing. It's very nice to have him there, close, warm and comfortable. #por...
Day 648
I won a price!
Okay, be it that it's only the third price, but I'm still quite honoured. The church-like image on the top right is mine, it even has m...