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Marcin Bujacz

#3 63/365
3 streak
Day 489
Chicken leg
I really want to master this spin. So far it's looking better and better, but still don't good enough to rely on it. At least I could make...
Day 493
Enjoying the weather
First time skating outside this year.
Day 500
On thin ice
Day 509
Little tripod
Day 523
Playing with matches
Day 534
Looking into the stars
Day 540
Day 544
Teachers' protest
The strike began in Poland and schools are closed. When I walked to work I stumbled upon few teachers hanging sign on the fence of t...
Day 545
Day 550
The youngest skater in the race
Today was a first skating marathon this year. I took some photos during children races. I really like when there are l...
Day 624
Ready to start
Tried to shoot some self-portrait for upcoming speed skating workshops
Day 630
Butterfly catcher skater training
Some new, fun exercise for getting used to skating #theme-fitness
Day 656
Day 683
Day 700
Day 702
New macro tubes
Up to now, I used simple and cheap extensions tubes, but finally I invested in something more robust and with better build quality.
Day 720
Back christie
Day 722
Berlin panorama
Captured on a medal from the marathon
Day 724
Installing SPD pedals
Day 726
Violet fries
I found violet potatoes in a shop, so I decided to try making some fries with them. They look strange but taste quite normal.
Day 727
Stretching out
Day 728
On roller skates
Day 462
Dream of flying
Pretty hectic day and long day. Late for a train because I couldn't find a parking spot in 3 story parking lot. Working till morning t...
Day 463
I wanted to shoot some skating again, but unfortunately I forgot to take my SD card from the laptop.