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Marcin Bujacz

#3 63/365
3 streak
Day 522
Who to catch next?
Day 524
Day 529
On one leg
Day 552
What's over there?
Day 559
Day 586
Staring at a blank page
I have some kind of productivity block lately. There's so much stuff to do, I don't know where to start.
Day 608
Slalom in the pard
Day 616
I stopped for a while on my way to work to see how bees are doing their job.
Day 634
Matte black merc
Day 637
Day 638
Playing with cones
To bo honest, I didn't take this photo. I handed the camera to one of kids I was teaching and it's the result. I don't even know wh...
Day 647
A little drop on the seed
Day 648
(Not so) Lazy sunday
First inline skating maraton in Łódź! Not a great time, because legs weren't fresh after so much walking last few days, but never...
Day 649
Day 655
A little bit of maintance
Rain caught me during skating, so I had to spend some time cleaning bearings.
Day 658
Day 669
Day 670
Playing with cones
Day 677
After busy weekend I finally had time to look at the medal I've got for the marathon in Gdańsk. #theme-holding
Day 681
Day 695
Day 704
Day 470
Day 487
I don't usually do weight training, but recently I've got something heavy to make some exercises a little bit harder. It payed off, because two d...