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Luke Stratta

Hi, I'm Luke. I am a professional photographer that can't put down the camera, even when I am not working. I think love and passion for photography is an understatement.
#1 44/365
2 streak
Day 16
The Big and The Little
My mum visited me at university and I thought I would show her the nice part of the city, down by the marina. I saw these two b...
Day 19
The Eyes
Down on the waterfront with my little brother, and he hates having his photo taken. He started to with draw into his jacket when he saw me wi...
Day 21
The Selfie
Okay, so I haven't actually uploaded a selfie of myself yet, and this is the closest you will get ;) If you hadn't have guessed from one of...
Day 22
The Doorway
So, I haven't uploaded anything in a while, so my 365 project has become more of an "upload-when-I-have-time-to-share-my-pictures project"...
Day 24
Not All Wolves Are Vicious
I am back from university for a couple of days and I finally get to see my beautiful husky again for the first time. (I am...
Day 25
Field of Destruction
I am hoping this can fit into the category of destruction, a combine harvester chopping up a field seems to work?... (This probab...
Day 26
It's Getting Steamy In Here
I wanted to play with steam last night, so I stood there with a pan of boiling water, trying to find the best settings for...
Day 27
The Dirty Helmet
I love low key photography, and I love motorbikes. Aside from putting my motorbike in my room, this is the closest I could get to act...
Day 28
Captain Jack Sparrow
Yesterday, I was photographing a harbour festival near me, and they had a Captain Jack Sparrow impersonator. His costume, his voi...
Day 29
The Water Between Two Bridges
I was waiting for my friend to head up into the woods to find some trails on our mountain bikes, and I noticed this real...
Day 30
She's A Dirty Girl
I went mountain biking yesterday and, ultimately got extremely muddy... But that's where the fun is! I also really like my 11-16mm...
Day 33
Unintentional Product Placement
They were giving out these cool wristbands at work, so naturally, thought I would take a picture. #thursday #night #ni...
Day 34
Mini Starlord
I love low key photography and I love Guardians of the Galaxy, so why not mix the two! #friday #afternoon #nikon #model #flash #low-key...
Day 35
#saturday #nikon #evening #fire #gas #august
Day 37
The Elephant In The Room
I bought this little guy for a fancy dress night at work... I may have taped him on top my camera... #nikon #evening #monday...
Day 38
Have A Break, Have A KitKat
Safe to say, I ate this very soon after... #food #nikon #evening #tuesday #chocolate #kitkat #august
Day 39
Working Hard
Something a little different today. A self portrait, sitting in front of my computer screen (which I have been doing all day editing phot...
Day 40
Sunset Walk
Out filming tonight, and while we were location hunting, the sun was setting with this fantastic colour, this dog and its owner walked in...
Day 41
Out and about and this idea came to me. I just got my friend (coincidentally, dressed in black) to sit on the bench. #portrait #friday #...
Day 44