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1.4K photos
Day 94
Day 94: An Okanagan Backroad
While exploring local back roads, I stumbled upon some new (to me) herds of wild horses. It was too dark by then to take...
Day 224
Day 224: Boats at Dusk
Tonight the air had a stormy feel to it. We could certainly use some rain. #outdoors #nature #saturday #lake #evening #landscap...
Day 236
Day 236: Mahoney Lake at Twilight
A sliver of Moon over the hill at twilight. #thursday #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wood #water #tree...
Day 237
Day 237: Stars over the hill
I haven't done one of these in a while, so tonight was the night. #outdoors #nature #friday #evening #landscape #light #w...
Day 294
Day 294: Winter is coming
It didn't take a big increase in elevation to experience a preview of the upcoming winter. Shot with my phone. #october #aut...
Day 588
Year One Book
I finished my 365 project about 6 months ago and this summer I started designing a book of the first year of photos. Here it is! I've al...
Day 47
47/365 Ćwiczymy... nóżka w prawo...
#thursday #afternoon #duck #bird #water #penguin #february #walking #365project #drake #seabird #aquatic-bird
Day 58
Day 58: Foggy Evening
Today was foggy and snowy. During the late afternoon I was quite busy with preparing for our imminent move to a new house, so I...
Day 96
Day 96: April Showers
They say that April showers bring May flowers. They also bring dramatic skies and consequently pretty pictures. 😊 #thursday #aft...
Day 97
Day 97: The best camera is the one you have with you
We were driving back from doing some groceries in the evening and the sky was absolutely crazy. O...
Day 301
Day 301: A Sunset in Peachland
Today the sky was very hazy. It made for an atmospheric mood at sunset. Particularly, with a lonely duck peacefully cru...
Day 352
Day 352: Okanagan Lake at Night
Annie had her surgery today, so I headed out later than usual and only spent a few minutes shooting. Still, I like thi...
Day 365
This is it .. I did it :) My project is completed. I will continue my project but not here .. Thanks for all your likes ! #morning #food #took...
Day 1,692
Little brother
I got the idea of reshooting - boys are same age in both of those pics. I did put them together and...
Day 28
28/365 Spokój
#outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #landscape #blue #sky #village #europe #january #calm #brook #season #vegetation #365project
Day 90
Day 90: Kelowna Sawmill
After work, I went to Kelowna for some errands, so I decided to stop by Knox Mountain to grab a couple of shots from up above....
Day 179
Day 179: Dulton Creek Rd
I took a similar photo earlier in the year. But it wasn't a picture of the day for the project and the fogginess gave it a dr...
Day 297
Day 297: A Barn at Sunset
I took a very similar shot during the summer. I wanted to revisit it without all the smoke and in a different season. #octob...
Day 63
Day 63: Cairn at Mahoney Lake
Located just ten minutes from our new home, Mahoney Lake is pretty unique. It is a meromictic saline lake whose surround...
Day 152
Day 152: A hill above Kaleden
The crazy weather continues. With such a wet Spring the mosquitos are out in full force. I literally took this photo and...
Day 160
Day 160: Okanagan Falls from above
Taken from the hill above our house. #outdoors #trees #nature #friday #lake #green #evening #landscape #wood #water...
Day 162
Day 162: Crazy Sky
I like how the long exposure adds stillness to the water and motion to the clouds. Shot with a 10 stop ND filter and a polarizer. #...
Day 173
Day 173: A road runs through it
One of my favorite spots to stop and see the lake. Tonight, with a hint of pink. #thursday #outdoors #nature #lake #ev...
Day 193
Day 193: Green Lake Road
Now that it's summer, you can really tell why they named this little lake, Green Lake. Getting there is a beautiful drive on...