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15 photos
Day 1
#afternoon #saturday #tehran #february #iran #theme-love #aksine #iranissafe1 #iranpicnab #iranaksmobile #beautifuliran #gallerysabz #iranissafe #iran...
Day 4
Water and 🌞 and natural
2015-September-5 Photo by:@art_of.nature به جاى آب روان نيستم دريغ كه در جوى به سر بغلطم ودر پيش راه باغ تو گيرم به انعكاس أُف...
Day 7
Nature and tree
2016 1395 With Camera Canon 60D @aksphone @ir_aks @photography_aks @akac_honari @aksiine #tehran#aksine#iranissafe1#iranpicnab#iran#ir...
Day 14
With iPhone 6/ Cat
With iPhone 6 Cat #beautifuliran#gallerysabz#iranissafe#iranemoon#kashan#imagesiranian#aksine#iranissafe1#iranpicnab#iran#jashan#ga...
Day 5
With Camera canon 60D 2016 1395 With @aksphone @ir_aks @photography_aks @akac_honari @aksiine #aksine#iranissafe1#iranpicnab#iran#jashan#galler...
Day 2
Portrait photographers
Portrait #portrait #afternoon #sunday #fashion #people #face #makeup #hair #eyes #tehran #model #one #happy #cute #smile #perso...
Day 9
Nature and bark iranshahar
#ak_30 #digprisma @digiato @huaweimobilefarsi With Camera canon 60D 2016 1395 With @aksphone @ir_aks @photography_aks @akac...
Day 10
Nature and man art
With Camera canon 70D 2016 1395 With @aksphone @ir_aks @photography_aks @akac_honari @aksiine #Artofnature#aksine#iranissafe1#iranp...
Day 8
Nature And shomal iran and roosta vnoush
Nature And shomal iran and roosta vnoush #ak_30 #digprisma @digiato @huaweimobilefarsi With Camera canon 60D 2016 1395 With @aksphone @ir_aks @photogr...
Day 22
Natural and happy new year
Iran | kazerun Baba Monir meadow area: ايران#كازران منطقه علفزار بابامُنير #tehran#aksine#iranissafe1#iranpicnab#iran#irana...
Day 23
پدر عزيزم وعزيز تر از جانم #ولنجکتوچال #كهفالشهدا #artofnature #كهفشهداءطهران @aksphone @photography_aks @aksiine #aksine#beautifuliran#gallerysab...
Day 25
#كهفشهداءطهران #كهفشهداءطهران #thursday #afternoon #food #tookapic #sweet #cake #fruit #flower #people #celebration #meal #traditional #june #religion...
Day 20
My lovely dad ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘
My lovely dad #tehran#aksine#iranissafe1#iranpicnab#iran#iranaksmobile#beautifuliran#gallerysabz#iranissafe#iranemoon#kashan...
Day 21
Iran | kazerun Baba Monir meadow area: ايران#كازران منطقه علفزار بابامُنير #tehran#aksine#iranissafe1#iranpicnab#iran#iranaksmobi...
Day 13
With iPhone 6