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5 photos
Day 133
Day 133: Peacock
The Toronto Zoo is currently on strike, so we headed East to the Brantford Twin Valley Zoo. It's not the most photographer friendly z...
Day 99
Day 99: A nice pair of hooters
These two beautiful Great Horned Owl chicks have been quite the attraction in downtown Penticton this week. It's rare t...
Day 138
Day 138: Muscovy Duck
I was scouting for a location for a possible shoot with a model and came across this cute fellow that looked like a mix between...
Day 235
Day 235: Be like a duck
"Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath." -- Michael Caine #morning #outdoors #n...
Day 39
Szczegóły są ważne - tyko dzięki barwie paska na głowie można odróżnić pana mysikrólika od pani #theme-the-devil-is-in-the-details
#nature #birds #bes...