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10.6K photos
Day 20
Sójka - wygląda na zadowoloną z siebie #nature #bird #birds
Day 16
Kwiczoł #bird #birds #nature
Day 1,184
#bird #winter #balcony
Day 9
W taki ziąb, zięba zajada aż "wióry" lecą. #bird #birds #nature #winter
Day 4
Nie garb się bo zostaniesz na lodzie ;) #bird #birds #animal #nature #winter #ice
Czapla na zamarznięty zbiorniku w Rydzynie
Day 3,321
The redbreast wishes everyone good luck for the new year!
Photo taken by the wildlife camera, bird unfortunately out of focus because I placed the cam...
Day 3,317
Should I jump or shouldn't I?
If you look closely you'll see who I mean ;-) #bird #redbreast #river #nature
Day 2,017
Woodpecker in our garden
#bird, #woodpecker, #bird-food, #peanuts,
Day 3,287
white-throated dipper
I think today was the first time I managed to take a pic of one of these birds. Not just one pic since this bird posed for me fo...
Day 3,212
Owl #2
Walk&talks, the best way of spending time with a friend. #bydgoszcz #architecture #detail #window #windows #lines #line #owl #animal #animals #...
Day 3,265
(no) place for little birds
I was sitting in a coffee shop when some sparrows decided to take a sand bath in front of the shop. I was too slow with th...
Day 3,251
Inktober 'scarecrow'. Well, no crow, but no details, please!
#inktober #drawing #spooky #ghost #bird
Day 1,094
#river, #water, #trace, #bird
Day 3,104
Sill #10
Lady and her cat. #bydgoszcz #architecture #brick #bricks #people #women #lady #cats #cat #bird #birds #animal #animals #street-photography #...
Day 3,159
Magpie #7
After many years magpies changed the tree for their nest. This one is the closest to my windows and balony, so I miss them a lot. I liked to...
Day 1,672
#nature #cormorant #black-cormorant #bird #river
Day 3,215
little bird enjoying the last rays of sun
#bird #theme-beauty-of-subtle-tones #sunset clouds
Day 1,217
#pigeon #bird
Day 3,197
Quiet III
Voices of hikers reflected from the rock face Whistles of an alarmed marmot Feathers rustling through the air Bearded vulture, come back, I...
Day 2,781
A ku ku
Niedzielny, spokojny poranek, na balkonie i drzewie obok ganiają się sikorki z wróblami, małe ptaszki a robią tyle hałasu #theme-music-of-the-...
Day 1,892
A cormorant on its little isle... Belgium, day 3 of our yourney. #water, #cormorant, #bird, #lake, #nature, #summer.
Day 3,123
Burning #40
A magpie at the sunrise. #burning #nature #sky #clouds #contrast #sunrise #colour #colours #magpie #magpies #animal #birds #bird #summer #...
Day 64
#sky #clouds #stork #bird
Day 2,762
W końcu dzieci przywiozłyśmy do Warszawy, do zoo. Z dodatkowych atrakcji była pierwsza w życiu jazda pociągiem, tramwajem i metrem. Chciałabym s...