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121 photos
Day 362
Gingerbread [day 362]
Day 357
Move forward [day 357]
Day 354
First shot [day 354]
This is the first picture intentionally shot by my two years- old daughter. #gopro
Day 343
On the wrong side [day 343]
Day 285
Sagana [day 285]
Day 266
Poste Centrali [day 266]
Day 255
Pedal [day 255]
Hey! There's 100 pics left! #gopro
Day 247
Behind bars [day 247]
Day 245
Desk [day 245]
Day 239
A spoonful of sugar [day 239]
Day 237
How do they see me from the tank? [day 238]
Day 230
Snorkeling [day 230]
Day 229
Playing on the beach [day 229]
Day 228
Floating [day 228]
Day 224
Hugging the sky [day 224]
Day 222
Beach [day 222]
Day 221
Driving away [221]
I love to freeze not one, but several moments of time on a single image. This is my first experiment exporting frames from a gopro...
Day 217
Sunny [day 217]
Day 216
Jellyfish [day 216]
pelagia noctiluca #gopro
Day 215
Under the surface [day 215]
Day 214
Drowning [day214]
Day 205
Learning to swim [day 205]
Day 200
Tube [day 200]
Hey, this is day 200! #gopro
Day 196
Asia [day 196]