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741 photos
Day 17
#night #wednesday #lights #blue #christmas #yellow #warm #bokeh #party #gold #jar #january #sparklers #bokehlicious #christmas-season
Day 653
I decided to redo the yesterdays shot with photos. Not sure yet which I will use in the final version of the film. They both look ok. #friday #af...
Day 58
Cold drink
#afternoon #tuesday #water #drink #ice #wooden #lemon #jar #mint #blueberries #may #lemonade #water-mint-lemon
Day 414
MonDay Filter
#morning #old #wood #monday #bottle #glass #drink #detail #coffee #letters #wooden #simple #interior #jar #desktop #typography #medicine...
Day 450
Party time?
I am sure my watch is still in Agadir:-) Or it is out of order. Party at this time?:-))))) But treats from Morroco you can eat or drink at...
Day 102
Dried mint
#thursday #food #vintage #evening #art #people #painting #tea #texture #dried #fabric #jar #pattern #desktop #abstract #herb #still-life #g...
Day 575
#2224 #tuesday #glass #drink #cold #jar #liquid #container #march #vessel #hourglass #beaker
Day 288
288/365 Storm Within
"So it’s the strangest combination of being able to hold deep sadness and deep contentment at the very same time. So I discovered...
Day 15
#food #evening #monday #breakfast #glass #jar #nuts #healthy #spoon #milk #corn-flakes #oatmeal #yoghurt #fit #yogurt #april #stroke #dried-fr...
Day 171
zielone smoothie
szpinak, brokuły i truskawki, woda i odrobina miodu dla smaku #nature #food #evening #cooking #monday #color #bottle #glass #drink #l...
Day 277
Tha Lab
#october #evening #sunday #alcohol #drop #wet #creepy #glass #drink #juice #cold #halloween #party #hand #bar #jar #desktop #lab #cocktail #ho...
Day 525
Frużelina with cherries
#indoors #afternoon #food #wood #sunday #breakfast #homemade #ingredients #jar #paper #sugar #delicious #nutrition #health #tr...
Day 580
Zamiast zalać drukarkę tuszem zacząłem się nimi bawić. Widzę, że trzeba zadbać o jednakowy kąt i moc oświetlenia. A szkło łapie wszystko co jest...
Day 137
137/365 Breakfast
Pada, wieje... energetyczne śniadanie na długi dzień pracy bardzo się przyda :) #morning #thursday #food #sweet #breakfast #glass #h...
Day 1,415
figs in the jar
#friday #afternoon #food #sweet #dessert #drink #cup #fruit #table #chocolate #jar #still-life #one #grow #smoothie #container #figs #...
Day 485
coffee jar
#afternoon #food #saturday #alcohol #drink #coffee #furniture #mug #jar #milk #february #coffee-pot #warm-drink
Day 20
20 | 1 | 17
365 reasons for getting up from bed. I made this jar for my boyfriend for 1st anniversary. I thought that he will be reading one reason fo...
Day 650
Another party at the newlyweds. A warm-up before the actual house warming party. I focused on the nachos plate. And then I spent the rest of t...
Słońce zamknięte w słoiku. 
Miłość do zachodów. Zachodów uchwyconych na fotografiach, w słoiku i pamięci. Tych przepełnionych wspomnieniami, złotym tr...
Day 86
Battle day
Day of yoyo competition called Krakow Yoyo Battle, that me and few other people organize, so really, really intense day. You have to be in...
#morning #food #sweet #sunday #breakfast #glass #drink #cup #tea #beverage #jar #healthy #jam #spoon #liquid #pancakes #march
Day 203
#thursday #afternoon #jar #vase #february #theme-metal
Day 248
#food #evening #light #tuesday #color #reflection #bottle #glass #drink #fruit #tea #hot #blur #jar #desktop #still-life #liquid #container #h2...
Day 453
Forest in the jar part 2
#indoors #forest #nature #friday #afternoon #food #green #moody #wood #tree #glass #leaf #blur #moss #love #grain #mood #jar...