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7 photos
Day 149
Kopciuszek (Phoenicurus ochruros)
#outdoors #nature #food #backyard #bird #green #evening #wood #little #wednesday #animal #tree #garden #fly #grass #...
Day 1,110
A friend of the house
#kopciuszek #bird #inthegarden #pentacon-300mm
Day 1,107
Kopciuszek (Phoenicurus ochruros)
#bird #lady-bird #kopciuszek #pentacon-300mm
Day 1,109
Mommy bird again
#kopciuszek #bird #inthegarden #pentacon-300mm
Day 68
Wieczór w operze
#friday #evening #opera #technology #book #paper #business #money #wroclaw #text #june #passport #document #commerce #kopciuszek #no-...
Day 81
Black redstart
Kopciuszek #afternoon #bird #monday #august #black-redstart #kopciuszek
Day 384
Black redstart
I have made better photos of more common hooded crow, but this is the first time I managed to take a photo of black redstart #morning #...