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600 photos
Day 804
Even the dogs are making the best of the warm weather and sunbathing. #morning #tuesday #nyon #march #uwa #9-18
Day 799
Over lunch in my office (or "studio' if I push furniture around...;) a short but fun photo session with my friend and artist. #portrait #thurs...
Day 796
What do you do on a busy rainy day? Take a photo of the heater pipes in you office! #afternoon #monday #abstract #nyon #march
Day 792
Black and white day
With a wink to @tania 's #thursday #afternoon #bw #sky #architecture #nyon #march #uwa #9-18
Day 790
The joy of the past
Bernard, who's atelier is next to mine, has just cleared out his attic, and found all kinds of treasures. This is him smiling at a...
Day 789
Happy Birthday
Happy 17th birthday my dear @eva #portrait #afternoon #monday #fashion #people #face #hair #eyes #model #casual #one #nyon #happy #cute...
Day 783
Escalator #4
Escalators in train stations are perfect for this week's theme :) Especially when you have the time because you've missed your train....t...
Day 779
Musée Romain
Grey day... #friday #afternoon #office #downtown #city #urban #glass #sky #window #architecture #building #tower #buildings #construction...
Day 776
Far from ideal light this morning, but I'm happy with how this turned out. #morning #lake #landscape #long-exposure #tuesday #water #sea #tree...
Day 775
Tookapic is also about experimenting. #afternoon #monday #graphic #sky #experimental #beach #horizon #nyon #february #horizontal #uwa #9-18 #...
Day 771
Five minutes of sunshine 
Which is all we had today. And all we've had all week. #morning #thursday #outdoors #trees #nature #landscape #bw #shadow #n...
Day 764
Into the fog
Vanishing point lines, in more ways than one. #morning #thursday #lake #fog #mist #nyon #pier #february #uwa #9-18
Day 763
Quiet and peaceful this time of year. #morning #lake #landscape #water #wednesday #city #sky #cloud #architecture #europe #town #castle #nyon #fe...
Day 757
Winding down
#thursday #afternoon #stairs #spiral #january #nyon #spiral-staircase #uwa #9-18
Day 756
Winding up
One of my favorite staircases, this time from underneath. #afternoon #wednesday #stairs #design #architecture #spiral #january #nyon #spira...
Day 755
Too cold to swim
The first time I've seen look like this. #morning #outdoors #nature #lake #landscape #tuesday #wate...
Day 749
The pier #3
First shots with the M.Zuiko 9-18mm. It takes filters which the 7-14 does not (and 52mm ones like I already have for my 12-50, yeah!) so I...
Day 748
The pier #2
I'd have liked to have taken this closer the the storm light flashing at the end of the pier, but I'd have certainly risked being pushed i...
Day 744
Eglise de la Colombière #2
I'm always pleasantly surprised when I see something that I had not seen before. Today's lunchtime wander into to the rathe...
Day 742
Snow on the lake
I've always wondered what this little pier looks with snow on it. Now I know. #morning #nature #lake #landscape #water #sea #wednesda...
Day 741
Green bench
Snow everywhere #afternoon #lake #tuesday #bench #january #nyon #uwa #theme-snow
Day 740
Snow white spiral
Another one for my collection #morning #monday #stairs #architecture #europe #spiral #january #nyon #spiral-staircase #uwa
Day 735
Up and down
Only the Swiss could think of designing and building an escalator for shopping carts (between the "normal" ones in the photo) #afternoon #...
Day 726
White and gold staircase 
Another staircase that only really works for me taken ultra-wide #afternoon #house #monday #window #stairs #design #wall #ar...