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753 photos
Day 274
#thursday #october #nature #evening #snail #moon #shell #desktop #closeup #spiral #one #swirl #slow #slug #snail-shell #seashell #sticky #hel...
Day 87
Stop looking at me!!
Today pic of a very patient and lazy model - please say 'hello' to mr snail (or mrs snail, i didn't check:)) Taken with fujian 35...
Day 293
Wandering snails / Wędrowne ślimaki
#morning #outdoors #nature #friday #animal #snail #garden #shell #insect #desktop #closeup #one #hurry #slow #july...
Day 60
... bo nawet po największej burzy wyjdzie słońce ... i na przód trzeba iść, jak najwyżej! Myśląc pozytywnie ;) #morning #thursday #outdoors...
Day 2
#nature #afternoon #monday #little #animal #snail #garden #leaf #insect #closeup #spiral #antenna #slow #flora #slug #august #pest #helix #inve...
Day 497
Pociąg do truskawki
Do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #morning #nature #green #sunday #little #water #ani...
Day 147
Oczy / The eyes
#morning #outdoors #nature #food #saturday #little #animal #snail #garden #grass #natura #wild #macro #manual #eyes #insect #wildlife...
Day 277
Happy when it rains / Szczęśliwy, kiedy pada deszcz
#morning #outdoors #nature #food #wednesday #animal #fish #snail #garden #shell #desktop #closeup...
Day 304
They pretend to be bats ;-) / Udają nietoperze ;-)
#outdoors #nature #afternoon #food #wood #tuesday #tree #snail #garden #leaf #shell #insect #deskto...
Day 308
Czy zdążę przed zimą ?
Do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #nature #afternoon #green #sunday #animal #snail...
Day 109
#thursday #afternoon #snail #april #mollusk #gastropod
Day 122
Rodzinna wycieczka / Family trip
#afternoon #tuesday #animal #snail #shell #macro #trip #family #may #slow #snails #macrophotography #slimak #macro-ph...
Day 223
snail 1 ślimak 1
#morning #friday #animal #snail #may #invertebrate #mollusk #gastropod
Day 22
Pędził na złamanie karku... w ostatniej chwili na szczęście zdążyłem zrobić mu zdjęcie... #nature #evening #monday #water #animal #wet #snail #...
Day 434
w drodze do raju / on the way to paradise
Świat makro #nature #friday #afternoon #snail #garden #shell #insect #desktop #closeup #spiral #antenna #hur...
Day 992
in the morning sun ... snail and moss
on my meadow - mornin walk with my dog #friday #night #light #snail #bokeh #sunlight #moss #meadow #july
Day 229
snail 2 ślimak 2
#morning #thursday #animal #snail #may #invertebrate #mollusk #gastropod
Day 496
Truskawka i ślimak
Do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #outdoors #nature #afternoon #food #saturday #green...
Day 127
#nature #tuesday #animal #snail #shell #macro #makro #fotografia #may #slow #snails #macrophotography #invertebrate #mollusk #gastropod #makroph...
Day 271
Poranny spacer / Morning walk
#morning #thursday #outdoors #nature #water #rain #animal #tree #snail #garden #grass #leaf #sunrise #bokeh #macro #manu...
Day 95
095. Shell
🐌 #outdoors #nature #afternoon #dark #little #tuesday #snail #garden #grass #leaf #wild #shell #meadow #field #summer #farm #growth #enviro...
Day 209
snail after rain
still raining .... but the sun sometimes looks behind the clouds and ... then snails are coming out .. #saturday #night #rain #sun #s...
Day 49
Porzucony dom
#nature #afternoon #sunday #animal #snail #natura #shell #fruit #sand #march #slow #acorn #invertebrate #mollusk #piasek #gastropod #mus...
Day 225
A fairy tale about a snail and an ant. Bajka o ślimaku i mrówce.
#morning #sunday #animal #snail #shell #may #slow #slug #invertebrate #mollusk #gastr...