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80 photos
Day 15
Work hard
15/366 #friday #afternoon #mac #apple #macbook #keyboard #coffee #cup #colours #close #chocolate #january #starbucks
Day 9
I'm really proud of this photo. I shot it using my iPhone's flashlight to light the cup from the side and this was my test shot. I was holding...
Day 10
- Hot Chocolate -
I went to grab a free Starbucks hot chocolate. I only recently started liking them. Used to think they were too bitter. #wednesday #...
Day 4
2016 Goals.
Taking a moment to set some goals. #morning #tuesday #coffee #people #hand #notes #paper #business #january #shop #starbuc...
Day 34
Christmas Shopping!
Last minute dash into city centre! Grumpy definitely grumpy! #afternoon #wednesday #december #starbucks #grumpy #theme-christmas
Day 331
Frozen Tea
Photographer : Dominique (FlyteWizard) Model : Details : Instagram : Youtube :
Day 4
A Song of Blood and Death
#saturday #evening #collection #november #books #starbucks #song-ice-and-fire #george-r-r-martin #game-thrones #got #westero...
Day 2
Dinner Time
Working at Starbucks PM 6:00. Everyone go to restaurant to eat dinner. This is a very good moment to enjoy a cup of coffee. #saturday #eve...