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7 photos
Day 54
The office 2
Arrived at work and found the light pretty nice. I'm really digging that place and the atmosphere. #indoors #morning #thursday #office #w...
Day 42
Logo design
Scribbling, sketching, and cursing late at night with a couple of beers. #office #saturday #night #work #computer #working #design #sketch...
Day 126
Given up
Get out of your comfort zone, they said, it'll be fun they said. Sure thing is I can only get better. CMS are great and all. Once you know yo...
Day 121
Night owl
I'm oddly productive when I realize I should go to bed instead of drinking my decaf pulling at my hair in front of my screen. #office #night...
Day 66
Paper vs pixel
Real life has much sharper image resolution but I miss a ctrl/cmd + z function. #morning #work #wood #computer #tuesday #design #sketch...
Day 132
Winter is not coming
Tough luck for you, unemployment it is. #morning #outdoors #trees #nature #friday #work #landscape #car #water #tree #red #machin...
Day 62
Loyal sidekicks
You gotta love them for always sticking around. :) #morning #friday #office #work #computer #colors #technology #internet #notes #equi...