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599 photos
Day 230
a little wisdom
Adrian Frutiger "Człowiek i jego znaki". #night #monday #newspaper #book #print #paper #business #wisdom #words #page #magazine #poetr...
Day 85
#afternoon #tookapic #tuesday #book #study #monochrome #paper #knowledge #business #library #education #hello #wisdom #university #still-life #p...
Day 247
#evening #dark #tuesday #knowledge #library #education #wisdom #still-life #one #literature #september #no-person #book-bindings #theme-pap...
Day 358
#afternoon #tuesday #book #study #cover #knowledge #library #education #wisdom #university #page #stacks #school #college #literature #novel...
Day 248
back to school
Powrót do szkoły i ciężkich plecaków. #indoors #afternoon #tuesday #people #book #study #woman #paper #knowledge #library #education #w...
Day 243
#tuesday #book #study #cover #paper #knowledge #library #education #wisdom #university #page #school #magazine #college #literature #bookstore #septem...
Day 144
molowy książkowy skrytożerca
#morning #black-and-white #tuesday #people #book #monochrome #paper #man #knowledge #library #education #wisdom #universi...
Day 182
"May we be alive at this time next year again." Peadar
#portrait #evening #monday #wow #people #man #wisdom #one #words #365 #portraits #adult #septem...
Day 12
#vintage #evening #monday #studio #book #study #cover #monochrome #desktop #knowledge #library #education #wisdom #page #school #literature #r...
Day 4
Back to school
Unfortunately the school started today:( #indoors #afternoon #black-and-white #monday #desk #notebook #book #study #pen #books #sad #pa...
Day 242
at work ...
#monday #book #internet #knowledge #business #library #education #wisdom #university #shelf #page #college #literature #order #information...
Day 317
#morning #monday #book #study #cover #books #paper #knowledge #library #education #wisdom #page #stacks #school #literature #novel #bookcase #te...
#outdoors #trees #night #wood #wednesday #garden #bench #book #paper #knowledge #library #education #wisdom #university #reading #page #school...
Day 181
"A ship is safe in a harbour but that is not what its built for." Garry
#portrait #afternoon #sunday #wow #people #festival #man #wisdom #one #words #...
Day 607
8/30. 作戦会議1. #indoors #afternoon #wednesday #book #paper #knowledge #library #education #wisdom #page #stacks #college #literature #bookcase #...
Day 180
"Contribute all the love you can into this world." Barbara
#portrait #afternoon #saturday #wow #people #face #hair #happiness #woman #man #wisdom #one...
Day 179
"Never plan too far ahead, you never know whats around the corner, so live each day best you can!" Joanne
#portrait #friday #evening #wow #fashion #gi...
Day 178
"Work your hardest at what you do & you'll reap the maximum results!" Sophie
#portrait #thursday #evening #wow #fashion #people #happiness #woman #joy...
Day 177
"Thank you very much. I am Ayaka." Ayaka
#portrait #outdoors #evening #wow #wednesday #fashion #girl #people #woman #child #wisdom #one #words #365 #c...
Day 222
#morning #saturday #paper #typography #business #sign #education #wisdom #motivation #label #inspiration #writing #chalk #chalkboard #bill #text #augu...
Day 241
Working on a master's thesis
#night #tuesday #street #book #books #knowledge #business #library #education #wisdom #page #school #literature #order #t...
Day 176
"I try to spend my life and energy on what matters rather on what society expects of me. Help others, don't just keep busy!" Rory
#portrait #morning #...
Day 174
"Concentrate on yourself - don't let what you want be shadowed by your embarrassment of what might not be. Concentrate on what could be - and in turn what will be." - Alice
"Concentrate on yourself - don't let what you want be shadowed by your embarrassment of what might not be. Concentrate on what could be - and in turn...
Day 243
Colorful breakfast: Easter eggs in August
#indoors #morning #friday #wood #fun #color #people #book #study #woman #paper #man #knowledge #library #edu...