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#6 108/365
185 streak
Day 1,312
Little red boots
Day 1,313
driving n sundown
Day 1,314
tower n clouds
Day 1,315
Amarican dream
Today we went to the travelagency to orientate our yourney to the USA and Canada. We're going to USA and Canada next year and today it...
Day 1,316
tree n eveningsun
Day 1,317
sun behind clouds
Day 1,318
Day 1,319
Day 1,320
Too high in the trees
Day 1,321
Day 1,322
Day 1,323
Home sweet home
Bought something secondhand... our home for the next three weeks and more...
Day 1,324
Day 1,325
day before holidays....
Waiting for our holidays....
Day 1,326
darkness in the woods...
holiday 1
Day 1,327
sunset at sea
Holiday 2
Day 1,328
Coastal walk
Holiday 3
Day 1,329
on our way
Medieval church, on our way. Holiday 4
Day 1,330
Garden near Etretat
Sculpture in Les Jardins d'Étretat, holiday 5
Day 1,331
shadow Mont Saint Michel
Took a walk to this beautiful place and visited the abbey. Holiday 6
Day 1,332
pigeons on the rooster
Holiday 7
Day 1,333
bokeh n leaves
Holiday 8
Day 1,334
on a pier
Cloudy day at the lake
Day 1,335
Took a beer
Holiday 9