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#6 108/365
185 streak
Day 1,408
Grilling fish
Day 1,409
Onelegged seagull
Day 1,410
Building walls and towers in the wood, using construction waste.
Day 1,411
Lapwing flower
Fritillaria in our garden.
Day 1,412
Sundayafternoon, near our place.
Day 1,413
tulip, no rose
Day 1,414
Day 1,415
rose in a soft drink
Day 1,416
rose in a glass
Day 1,417
Tree 23
Day 1,418
3 x 2 horsepowers
Old deux chevaux en route
Day 1,419
Fence to nature
Day 1,420
caught by sun rays
Day 1,421
reaching for the blue sky
Giant tulip in my garden, reaching out for the light. #theme-bloom
Day 1,422
daffodils in our garden
Day 1,423
blooming in april
Day 1,424
Day 1,425
damn where am i...
Day 1,426
reflection n trees in b&w
Day 1,427
Play with photoshop
Day 1,428
Playing with photoshop. #theme-games
Day 1,429
in the zoo
Day 1,430
climbing up the tree
Day 1,431
took a walk at the Waddensea