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#6 256/365
333 streak
Day 1,124
Tookawalk with my colleague in the woods, nearby our job. It was so nice seeing and talking to her after so many covidmonths....
Day 1,123
Art of glass
Day 1,122
thaw has set in...
Winter has gone. Thaw has set in and spring is coming. Differance in temperature is about 25 degrees C. #theme-cold
Day 1,121
Chairs, ready for take off...
Chairs, standing on the ice-rink in our village and waiting for people to learn skating. #theme-cold
Day 1,120
Early skate-ride
Day 1,119
Ice fun in our village!
A cold and sunny day, finally we can put our skates on!
Day 1,118
Early morningwalk
Day 1,117
Took a walk in the morning
Just a beautiful morning...
Day 1,116
Day 1,115
Frisian Flagg
Day 1,114
Water is coming on the frozen ditch.
Day 1,113
bird's feet on bird's feeding dish
Day 1,112
No ice-skating today...
Day 1,111
church n misty afternoon
Day 1,110
Dirty old bridgeleaning
Walk over the small bridge in our village. I shall not touch this leaning, there is growing too much dirt on it... A renovatio...
Day 1,109
look out mill
Day 1,108
Found a lucky stone!!
Now children cannot go to school (covid 19), they found some other things to do. They are busy painting small stones en lay them...
Day 1,107
lamp n art n lamp
Took a walk through the place I live. Sometimes I see things I never saw this way before.
Day 1,106
Sundaymorningwalk near my house. Looks like some winter at last...
Day 1,105
Path under water...
Day 1,104
landscape nearby
Day 1,103
Geese n sky
Day 1,102
silage bales
Day 1,101
Took a short eveningwalk around our village.