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#6 108/365
185 streak
Day 1,864
thunderstorm is coming again..
#thunderstorm, #thunderclouds, #clouds, #cloudy-sky, #wheather, #bird-in-the-sky, #dark-sky.
Day 1,876
Today´s harvest
#fruits, #vegetables, #strawberries, #tomatoes, #pies, #red-and-green, #gardening
Day 1,896
Day 7 of our trip. Ready for the ferry to Danmark tomorrow. #Vacation, #sea, #beach, #Ostsee.
Day 1,917
Cat in the alley...
Bergen, Norway. A rainy day again... but Bergen is colorfull and okay, even with rain! #houses, #alley, #cat, #red-house, #Bergen,...
Day 1,924
Another lake to stay for the night with a beautiful view. #theme-beauty-of-subtle-tones, #sunset, #lake, #mountains, #norway, #travelling,
Day 1,929
Last day in Norway
Before we take the ferry to Danmark, we went for a walk in Kristiansand. All over this yourney I took-a-pic of these manhole-covers...
Day 1,842
Ancient citywall with promenade in Avignon.
Day 1,847
#theme-sunset-or-sunrise, #sunset, #tree, #evening, #nature, #cloudy-sky.
Day 1,850
Raindrops n blossom
Yesterday it rained all day, it lookes like the blossom is crying... #raindrops, #blossom, #beans-blossom, #flower, #growing-veget...
Day 1,852
Day 1,862
Found this silver needle-case in my mothers sewing-box. It is quite surprising what I found in that box... I will sherish it... #theme-less-m...
Day 1,865
Pink Poppy
Day 1,869
#theme-national-cliches, #baguette, #bread, #typical-French, #world-heritage-list
Day 1,875
Hungry little bird
#theme-little-neighbors, #bird, #feeding-birds, #animal.
Day 1,893
#theme-embraced-by-light, #lensflare, #red, #green, #light, #nature.
Day 1,897
Klintholm Havnstrand
Today we are in Danmark. We climbed down and up the stairs (500 steps) to Møns Klint and then we were so tired that we drove up t...
Day 1,906
Sunset at the lake
A day travelling through Norway and then we got this camperplace to stay for the night....not so bad at all!! #sundown, #sky, #lake...
Day 1,920
The lying house
The house in the middle is not real, it's being renovated, I think.... #theme-big-lie. #houses, #street, #people-in-the-street, #norwa...
Day 1,844
Orange rose.
Day 1,846
Where is the sun....
#cloudy-sky, #dark-sky, #clouds, #tree, #weather, #grey-sky
Day 1,848
Summer today!
#theme-sunrise-or-sunset, #orange, #sunset, #tree, #sky, #summer.
Day 1,849
A glimpse of eveningsun
#rainy-day, #evening, #eveningsun, #flowers, #shades, #garden #theme-sunset-or-sunrise.
Day 1,851
No boss, not red yet...
#strawberries, #plant, #garden, #nature, #green, #fruit, #summer. #theme-dog-perspective.
Day 1,856
Just nature
#flower, #yellow, #yellow-flower, #bee, #insect, #nature