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#6 108/365
185 streak
Day 1,837
Yellow lavander field
I did not know yellow lavander exists... but its beautiful too!
Day 1,836
orange papillon
Day 1,835
orange 3
Stairs in the museum at the GeoParc.
Day 1,834
Driving through the tunnel...
Day 1,833
Autumn has arrived...
Day 1,832
Rain n curves
Day 1,831
A big dragonfly stays on the sweeper when I try to put it outside my greenhouse....
Day 1,830
Working in the garden...
Day 1,829
Small lizard
A small tennant in my greenhouse.. It´s there since april and not scared anymore when I´m entering. There is a lot of food, insects and s...
Day 1,828
orange 2
Orange poppies in our garden.
Day 1,827
drowned in the maple tree
Beautiful colors in the Japanese maple tree in our garden. #theme-still-life
Day 1,826
orange 1